Study reveals that the average Utah worker thinks they deserve a $8,228 pay raise
What would we definitely like more of? Two things spring to mind: more money, and more vacation time, right? So if it was left up to us, and not our employers, how more of each would we awards ourselves? How much do we think we actually deserve?
To find out, recording systems and equipment firm, Intelligent Video Solutions – ( – carried out a survey of 3,000 U.S. workers, and came up with some pretty interesting results. Firstly, it’s no surprise that we all think we should be in line for a pay raise – on average, Americans believe we deserve a not-insignificant 37.6% increase (or $11,378.52 more per year than our current salary). That did vary across the states, however, with Marylanders believing they are the most undervalued, and be should be paid $17,508.31 more per year. Those who are happiest with their current remuneration are West Virginians, who would be happy with just $2,271.40 more a year. Utahns feel they deserve an extra $8,228 per year.
Intelligent Video Solutions also surveyed workers by industry. While attorneys get a bad rep as being shark-like, they’re actually the industry who feel they deserve the least raise, at only a 30% increase. While they may not all be pro-bono, it looks like they might not be that unreasonable after all when it comes to pushing up their hourly rates!
Perhaps surprisingly, the industry you might think would ask for the least actually asked for more than the lawyers: charity workers believe they deserve an increase of 32.22%! And despite the telephone-figure salaries we imagine bankers must be on, they’re still not happy, and feel underpaid; they feel they deserve 41.43% on top of what they currently earn. However, they’re not the most money-grabbing industry of the lot – that accolade falls to the tech industry. Even though we’ve all read news reports which regularly inform us that this or that tech company has recently floated on the stock exchange for gazillions of dollars, apparently it’s still not enough for these Silicon Valley whizz kids! They feel they deserve over 50% more money: 57.69%, in fact.
Check out our infographic, below, to see how your state and industry measures up:
August 2017
On August 25th, news of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's report on 27 national monuments was released. Though the full report of his recommendation has not been published for public viewing, one thing is known: Secretary Zinke has recommended shrinking a "handful" of the monuments. One among the handful is Bears Ears. After the success of Bears Ears defenders and the efforts of our press and authors, this news is disappointing. However, our fight must continue. The power that President Trump has over the monuments is limited and debatable. For now, it is our responsibility to encourage our community, our educators, and our government representatives to learn more about national monuments, public lands, and the individuals involved.
Purchase a copy of Edge of Morning and/or Red Rock Stories online and share! Receive 20% off of your purchase with discount code: PUBLICLANDS.
Read this New York Times article for more
on Secretary Zinke's recommendation and Bears Ears:
Interior Secretary Proposes Shrinking Four National Monuments
CHIP WARD is a former environmental activist and career librarian who writes from Torrey, Utah. He described his political adventures in Canaries on the Rim: Living Downwind in the West and Hope’s Horizon: Three Visions for Healing the American Land. A regular contributor to, Stony Mesa Sagas is his first novel.
"He’s his own particular phenomenon, the funniest thing to happen to Utah, and one of the most acute environmental thinkers of our time,"
- Rebecca Solnit, author of The Mother of All Questions
Stony Mesa Sagas available November 2017
is a naturalist, conservation biologist, and Executive Director of the Natural History Institute, as well as Faculty Emeritus at Prescott College, where he taught interdisciplinary environmental studies for almost three decades. He edited The Way of Natural History, and authored Singing Stone: A Natural History of the Escalante Canyons and Desert Wetlands, as well as numerous professional articles.
“A sigh of relief, a blessing from some of the continent’s most beautiful writers, a cooling breeze for an over-heated time – Tom Fleischner’s new anthology is a pleasure, start to finish.”
-Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Piano Tide and Great Tide Rising
Nature, Love, Medicine available November 2017
Welcome Rachel Davis!
Torrey House Press's new intern.
Rachel grew up in West Jordan, UT, where she still lives with three cats. From a young age, annual trips to Goblin Valley, Moab, and Washington Lake stoked her love of Utah’s land and an addiction to seeing the Milky Way. She recently earned her BA in English from the University of Utah and completed the University of Denver Publishing Institute. In her free time she can be found watching horror flicks, reading, or taking in the horizon that frames a cloud-filled sky.
Red Rock Stories at Robber's Roost
Join the Entrada Institute and Torrey House Press in welcoming Red Rock Stories editor Stephen Trimble and contributors, Jana Richman, Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk, Chip Ward, at Robber's Roost .
WHEN: September 2nd, 7:30 PM
WHERE: Roober's Roost, 185 W. Main, Torrey, UT 84775
Visit Jaqueline Keeler at Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association's Trade Show during lunch.
WHEN: October 8th, 2017, 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM
WHERE: Red Lion Inn on the River, Portland OR
Meet Chip Ward, Stephen Trimble, and Scott Graham at the 2017 Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association Fall Discovery Show!
WHEN: October 12-14, 2017
WHERE: The Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel, Denver CO
Visit Chip Ward at Exhibit Hall Gala Opening Reception
WHEN: October 12th, 2017, 4:15 PM- 7:45 PM
See Stephen Trimble and Scott Graham at the Books & Brews Luncheon
WHEN: October 14th, 2017, 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
"What Happened to Talking to Earth?"
by Alisha Anderson
"And I wonder if in this monumental debate, the focus should not be hearing the opinion of 'both sides.' I can hear Jonah asking me if I have the courage to instead ask Earth, and to believe there will be a reply...
read on."
"A conversation with Jonah Yellowman, Utah Dine
Bikeyah’s Spiritual Advisor"
PC: Alisha Anderson
It’s an honor to be included in the Utah Business Fast 50. I’m proud of our team that continues to push forward, helping us be successful even when competing against the largest travel companies.”
— Ryan McCoy, Co-founder and CEO of TravelPass Group
LEHI, UTAH, USA, August 30, 2017 / -- TravelPass Group, a hotel marketplace with over a million properties worldwide, has been named one of Utah’s fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year by Utah Business, Utah's leading source of business news and information. TravelPass Group was given the No. 28 ranking on the publication’s 2017 Fast 50. In the last 12 months alone, TravelPass Group has booked more than 2.6 million room nights, surpassing $2 billion in cumulative gross hotel booking revenue.
“It’s an honor to be included in the Utah Business Fast 50 again because we know how many amazing businesses and startups call Utah home,” said Ryan McCoy, co-founder and CEO of TravelPass Group. “Silicon Slopes is drawing major attention from all over the world, and is becoming a staple in the technology industry. I’m proud of our team members who continue to push us forward, helping us be successful even when competing against the largest travel companies.”
The Fast 50 companies are recognized for their entrepreneurial spirit, innovative business tactics and skyrocketing revenue growth. Rankings are based on five years of compound annual growth, while considering total revenue, according to Utah Business.
About TravelPass Group
TravelPass Group is a leading technology company in the travel industry. Spun out of the Utah-based company Partner Fusion, TravelPass Group is a marketplace for independent and brand name hotels, wholesalers, and the world’s largest travel agencies, providing travelers with the best rates. TravelPass Group has been featured multiple times as one of the fastest growing companies locally and nationally by Deloitte Technology Fast 500 and Inc. 5000. TravelPass Group books 10,000 room nights per day through its five travel-related websites, including Reservation Counter and Reservation Desk, and a best-in-class customer service center that helps travelers access more than a million properties worldwide.