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Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 10:30am


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January 4, 2018

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ, City of NY and NYPD for Information on Unsolved Murder of a New York Policeman at Nation of Islam Mosque

New York lawsuit refutes NYPD claim that investigation into 45-year-old murder ‘remains active and ongoing’
FOIA lawsuit raises questions of possible FBI involvement, having provoked incident with fake ‘10-13’ officer in distress phone call

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed suit against the Justice Department, as well as the City of New York and the New York Police Department (NYPD), to compel these state and federal agencies to release information regarding the April 14, 1972 murder of police officer Phillip Cardillo at a mosque in Harlem. Cardillo was killed while responding to a fake “10-13” officer in distress phone call.
Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice after it failed to adequately search for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s May 15 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-024687)). Judicial Watch seeks:

  • All records concerning the Nation of Islam Mosque #7 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, or the building located at 102 West 116th Street. This request includes, but is not limited to, all informant, wiretap, electronic surveillance, and physical surveillance records relevant to the Nation of Islam Mosque #7, located at 102 West 116th Street, in New York City.
  • The time frame for the request was identified as January 1, 1970 to January 1, 1973. 

Judicial Watch argues that the DOJ “has violated FOIA by failing and/or refusing to employ search methods reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of records responsive to accordingly, failing and/or refusing to produce any and all non-exempt records responsive to the [FOIA] request.”
Judicial Watch sued New York City and the NYPD after they failed to respond to June 5 Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests (Judicial Watch v. The City of New York and the New York City Police Department (No. 0160286/2017)). Judicial Watch seeks:

  • The audio tape of the 10-13 "officer in distress" call recorded by the Police Communications Division at 11:41 a.m. on April 14, 1972; and
  • The Major Case Squad report and files on the homicide of NYPD Patrolman Philip Cardillo. 

In its complaint, Judicial Watch notes that, “[NY City and NYPD] have yet to provide one responsive document and only have provided conclusory, unsubstantiated, non-specific bases for denial by an individual with no personal knowledge of the underlying investigation.”
Judicial Watch disputes the claim made by NY City and the NYPD that the case is ongoing. Judicial Watch also points out that the denial of its records request is missing key information required by the open records law.
A New York Post article titled: “Did an FBI call accidentally kill an NYPD officer?,” written by Judicial Watch Chief Investigative Reporter Micah Morrison, details Officer Cardillo’s murder:

A 10-13 is every cop’s worst nightmare, a red alert meaning “officer in distress.”
Two policemen, Phillip Cardillo and Vito Navarra, rushed to the address, which was the Muhammed Mosque #7 of the Nation of Islam. Its leader, Louis Farrakhan, had offices on the third floor.
The mosque doors, usually bolted shut and manned by the Nation of Islam’s own paramilitary force, the Fruit of Islam, were unlocked and unguarded.
In the reception area, Cardillo and Navarra encountered six men. Navarra darted up the stairs. Somewhere up on the second floor, he believed, a brother officer was in serious trouble. He was met by 10 men who forced him back down the stairs.
Nine more cops rushed into the reception area. A fight broke out.

Cardillo died from his injuries six days after the fake 10-13 call. A suspect was tried twice but not convicted. The NYPD’s Major Case Squad reopened the investigation in 2006. 
“Officer Cardillo’s murder, over 40 years ago, is relevant today. We need to completely clear this case to properly honor a fallen hero,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “There should be no informal statute of limitations on the death of one of New York’s finest. It is shameful we are being stonewalled by law enforcement bureaucracies on this murder. Rank-and-file NYPD officers want answers, too.”
Additional details on this story are available here and here.
New York attorney Ethan Leonard from the Law Offices of Neal Brickman P.C. is representing Judicial Watch.


As Small Business Confidence Surges, Worker Shortage and Wage Pressure Intensify
Improving economy makes it harder to find qualified workers, raising pressure to increase compensation

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 4, 2018—The shortage of qualified workers reached a record high in December, and the number of small-business owners who made plans to raise compensation was the second highest in history, according to the monthly National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Jobs Report, released today. 

“We’ve been watching this problem build for the last 12 months, but it seems to have reached a critical point in December,” said NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan. “Small business owners are converting their optimism into action, and a majority cannot find enough workers to meet higher customer demand.”

The number of job openings remained steady in December while plans to hire fell four points to 20 percent. That modest decline could indicate that small-business owners are becoming more frustrated by the shortage of qualified workers.

“Finding qualified workers is now the second biggest concern for small-business owners,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Taxes occupied the top spot all of last year, but that may drop as the recently enacted tax reform law takes effect. The worker shortage could very well become the number-one problem for small businesses.”

Fifty-four percent of small business owners last month reported finding few or no qualified workers. That’s a 10-point jump from the previous month and an all-time record. The previous record (53 percent) was September of 1999. Meanwhile, the number of firms planning to raise compensation jumped six points to 23 percent, the second highest reading in history. It’s the highest reading since March of 2000 (also 23 percent) and just shy of the record of 27 percent, set in December of 1989.

“They have to raise compensation to attract and keep qualified employees,” said Dunkelberg. “That means their costs will increase. It remains to be seen whether that will lead to higher prices.”

The labor shortage is a problem for small business owners, but it is also a strong signal that the economy is gaining momentum.

“Qualified workers are in strong demand. That’s good for workers and good for families,” said Duggan. “Finding qualified workers is a challenge that small business owners will be working through over the next few months. The positive is that small business owners are more confident in the economy, and workers will be the beneficiaries.”

Click here to read the full jobs report.


Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2018, the National Federation of Independent Business has been the Voice of Small Business, taking the message from Main Street to the halls of Congress and all 50 state legislatures. NFIB annually surveys its members on state and federal issues vital to their survival as America's economic engine and biggest creator of jobs. NFIB’s educational mission is to remind policymakers that small businesses are not smaller versions of bigger businesses; they have very different challenges and priorities.


Hemp, Inc.'s Marketing Division in Full Swing as First Purchase Orders Come In

SPRING HOPE, NC, Jan. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP), a global leader in the industrial hemp industry, with the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in the western hemisphere, today announced its marketing division. Hemp Division Five, is in full swing as it prepares to ship its first two purchase orders of Drillwall and Kenaf fiber. The Drillwall order will be shipped to a company in the Permian Basin, in Texas.  (The Permian Basin, a sedimentary basin largely contained in the western part of Texas and the southeastern part of the New Mexico, is one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the country.)

Hemp, Inc.’s loss circulation material is being private labeled, much like how Hemp, Inc.’s upcoming bulk CBD sales will be.  When a company custom brands or private labels their own products, they do not want the source of their raw materials known to their customers or competitors. Hemp, Inc. plans to honor that privacy now and in the future as it positions itself as the largest supplier of bulk goods/raw material to other manufacturers, formulators, entrepreneurs, and distributors in the industrial hemp industry.

“We are excited to be full speed ahead with the first purchase order for our Drillwall.  We have entered into a long term supply agreement with this distributor,” said David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC (IHM).  “Additionally, we also received another purchase order for a truck load of our Kenaf fiber to be shipped to a company in New Jersey.  Both of these orders will ship early 2018.” Because of mutual non-disclosure agreements in place, and the description above, Schmitt is unable to disclose the purchasers of these orders.

According to Schmitt, IHM has already hired additional personnel to increase work shifts. By the end of this month, the company expects to be running a second shift.  “The new additional personnel are being trained to run our milling operation as well as our CBD extraction equipment.  Just to meet demand, we will need to have shifts around the clock, 24/7, by the end of the second quarter.  We have already begun trials on additional milling equipment to meet the demand for the gas and oil drilling industries. As of yesterday morning, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil was selling for $61.44 per barrel.  The price for crude oil hasn’t been this high since December, 2014. As crude oil prices climb, there will be more and more active drilling rigs coming online.”

In oil or gas well drilling, "loss circulation" occurs when drilling fluid flows into one or more geological formations instead of returning up the annulus. "Loss circulation" can be a serious problem during the drilling of an oil well or gas well. Hemp, Inc., as mentioned in a previous press release, has a provisional patent that covers Hemp, Inc.'s process of dramatically reducing the time, cost, and energy required to create LCMs and spill absorbents using green natural plant materials - resulting in a higher quality product for the oil and gas industries.

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc., said, “We have been driving home to our shareholders that our infrastructure divisions have enabled us to create a strong growth platform. It’s now beginning to pay off, as we are actively selling now.  These first two purchase orders are just the beginning. We are positioning ourselves to be the ‘go-to’ supplier in helping manufacturers, formulators, entrepreneurs, and distributors shape the industrial hemp industry with products ranging from fiber and oil absorbents to custom blended CBD oil.  We have the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation in the western hemisphere and it has grown to become the pre-eminent center of the industrial hemp industry.”

Hemp, Inc. will also hold its monthly “First Friday Tour” tomorrow, January 5, 2018.  These exclusive bonus tours will take shareholders behind-the-scenes of North Carolina's burgeoning industrial hemp epicenter to see Hemp, Inc.'s processing equipment in full operation... from the cultivation of its hemp plants and kenaf to the processing and manufacturing of their quality CBD products.
Shareholders will also meet and interact with Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin and COO of Hemp, Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC, David Schmitt. Both Perlowin and Schmitt welcome any and all questions from Hemp, Inc.'s valued shareholders.  As part of Hemp, Inc.’s Division Four (Hemp Education Infrastructure), the "First Friday Tours" will showcase a section of the warehouse where a variety of hemp and hemp-based products are displayed.
The five key infrastructure divisions, through which steps have been taken, thus far, are:

1.     Industrial Hemp Manufacturing and Processing Infrastructure – Division One


2.     Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure – Division Two


3.     Hemp Farming Infrastructure – Division Three


4.     Hemp Education Infrastructure – Division Four


5.     Marketing Infrastructure – Division Five

"We continue to drive home to our shareholders that we have very lucid infrastructure divisions in action. While always adhering to our discipline on transparency with our shareholders and the public, we are resolutely committed to these infrastructure divisions," said Perlowin. "We believe our first core infrastructure divisions outline Hemp, Inc.'s operations, and allow us to allocate time and capital, strategically, to drive long-term shareholder value."

1. Industrial Hemp Manufacturing and Processing Infrastructure - Division One
Spearheaded by David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.’s, wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC, the Industrial Hemp Manufacturing and Processing Infrastructure division consists of the largest multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation in the western hemisphere that has grown to become the pre-eminent center of the industrial hemp industry. The 85,000 square foot facility sits on a 9-acre campus in Spring Hope, North Carolina. With the patent pending manufacturing process, it is operating full time to process kenaf into all green, natural LCMs that will be sold to the oil and gas drilling industry.  Hemp, Inc. is currently stockpiling tons of LCMs to be prepared for the demand. (See Bruce Perlowin’s Facebook post December 10, 2017.)  Hemp, Inc. has been negotiating sales with oil companies on 5 continents with one company in America stating they are interested in purchasing our entire productive capacity of the plant. (To see a one-minute video of the millions of pounds of kenaf on hand, go to Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page, September 7th, 11th, 13th, 20th and 22nd, 2017.)

2. Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure - Division Two
Spearheaded by an array of talented professionals such as extractors, chemical engineers and formulators, the Hemp Oil Extraction Infrastructure currently consists of its NuAxon Tech Industrial CO2 Supercritical Extractor from NuAxon BioScience, manufacturer and the producer of the world class, large capacity CO2 Supercritical Extraction equipment. Hemp, Inc. currently has a growing inventory of raw CBD oil. The company has been processing CBDs since the extractor became fully operational on August 15, 2017.  The company’s post processing equipment is scheduled to be installed on January 8, 2018, giving Hemp, Inc. the ability to further purify the product.  Hemp, Inc. is currently in negotiations with several other extraction companies to house other extractors at its campus. According to Perlowin, Hemp, Inc. is currently in more negotiations that are expected to dramatically increase the company’s extraction capability in order to keep up with the thousands of acres of hemp that the company will grow in the upcoming New Year.  (To see Hemp, Inc.'s NuAxon Tech CO2 Supercritical Extractor in operation, visit Perlowin's Facebook page, Sept. 27th and Aug. 16th, 2017.)

3. Hemp Farming Infrastructure - Division Three
Spearheaded by 3rd, 4th and 5th generational farmers and “master growers”, the Hemp Farming Infrastructure division consists of hundreds of acres of hemp and kenaf growing in multiple locations, farm equipment, cloning rooms, clones and seeds, grow rooms, greenhouses, hemp drying facilities and a huge amount of peripheral farming tools and equipment.  Thus far, the state of North Carolina has planted 2,134 acres of hemp and issued 133 licenses. The company’s greenhouse is currently being erected and is scheduled to be operational by the end of the month.  According to executives, cloning is also in process and will expand from the cloning barn into the greenhouse once the greenhouse is operational. (Some of this farming infrastructure can be seen on Bruce Perlowin's Facebook page, Sept. 8th, Aug. 30th, 19th, 15th - 11th, 9th and 4th, July 31st, 29th, 21st - 16th, 2017.) Hemp, Inc. also has a model family farm situated on 5 acres that consists of a cloning room, a greenhouse, and 5,000 hemp plants. (This model farm can be seen on Bruce Perlowin's Facebook page, Aug. 22nd - 26th, 2017.) Hemp is showing farmers how to grow high CBD hemp plants, operate a greenhouse and turn a barn into a cloning room to earn up to $500,000 or more per year. By demonstrating this model, the small family farm can now reappear on the American landscape. After all, the original small family farms in America were able to survive economically by growing hemp as their main cash crop and the first 5 presidents of the United States were all hemp farmers.

4. Hemp Education Infrastructure - Division Four
Spearheaded by Rick Rainbolt, Dr. Brock (double Ph.D.) and many other talented educators and trainers of various disciplines, the Hemp Education Infrastructure division includes Hemp, Inc.'s Hemp University; attending various events (see Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page, Oct. 7th and 8th, 2017); and, attending, speaking and displaying at industry expos (see Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page, Sept. 14th through 16th, 2017) to, in turn, educate the public on hemp in the industry. The educational seminars, through The Hemp University, are held approximately every 6 – 7 weeks and teach farmers and landowners how to create a profitable income stream by maximizing their per-acre crop revenue. The Hemp University is also one way the company is contributing to making America great again by making America hemp again. (To see the Hemp University, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page, Oct. 30th, 24th - 29th and Jul. 1st - 10th, 2017.)
"Since our launch with the first educational symposium, the number of attendees has grown consistently and it has been a great success, each time. Our interactive, hands-on learning approach is invaluable. By learning in an interactive cohort format, students gain the necessary skills they need to immediately implement them on their farm or in their organization. We've achieved the powerful mix of quality instruction, relevant educational content and a high level of commitment, to ensure the educational success of each attendee," said Rick Rainbolt, President of Hemp, Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, Hemp University, LLC.

5. Marketing Infrastructure - Division Five
Spearheaded by Bruce Perlowin, David Schmitt, and a talented team of master distributors and marketers, the company is now in full swing implementing its fifth infrastructure division: Marketing Infrastructure - Division Five. "Our focus on operational expansion and education-focused outreach allow us to grow sustainably while helping shape America's newest industry as it continues to evolve," said Perlowin.
With legislation recently passed in Arkansas and Wyoming, plus recent developments in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Hawaii’s industrial hemp economies, these are sure signs “that hemp is making its rightful return to the American landscape, one that will benefit many state’s economies.”
To show the explosive growth of the industrial hemp industry around America, see some of the news events below:

With the passage of Arkansas’ Industrial Hemp Act in March 2017, House Bill 1778, which became Act 981, licenses can now be issued in the state to grow experimental plots of hemp, empowering Arkansas’ Plant Board to license growers to participate in a ten-year industrial hemp research program, set to begin in spring 2018.


Pennsylvania’s industrial hemp program is set to expand tenfold in 2018, according to Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf. This year was the first in decades that hemp could be legally grown in Pennsylvania, with 30 research project permits limited to 5 acres each. In 2018, up to 50 individual growers or institutions of higher education will be permitted to grow up to 100 acres of industrial hemp apiece.


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed Senate Bill (SB) 119 into law on Dec. 1, 2017, enabling Wisconsin farmers to grow industrial hemp. Wisconsin’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) can now issue licenses to authorize the growing and processing of industrial hemp with a concentration of no more than 0.3 percent THC. The bill also allows the DATCP or a college or university to create an agricultural pilot program to grow and study industrial hemp.


In North Carolina, Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler, believes their first year of industrial hemp production was quite a success.  According to the recent article, AG Commissioner: There’s Hope for Hemp’s Future, published in The Wilson Times, North Carolina had 104 registered industrial hemp growers, 1,900 acres of industrial hemp grown who were registered to grow industrial hemp, and 176,000 square feet of greenhouse space were considered “significant for the first year.” Troxler also said there are 34 registered processors to create products and develop the market for industrial hemp and believes North Carolina will have even more success next year in growing industrial hemp.  While industrial hemp production is legal in the state, it is only legal through North Carolina’s hemp pilot program, which is administered by the Industrial Hemp Commission. More information on North Carolina’s industrial hemp pilot program can be found here.


In Hawaii, the Department of Agriculture is expecting to accept license applications in late February, possibly, for its industrial hemp pilot program. Plans for the statewide industrial hemp growing program encountered a slight setback after a shipment of Jamaican cannabis seeds failed to meet inspection standards.  However, that’s not stopping Hawaii’s industrial hemp pilot program.  They have since found another source of seed which is currently undergoing germination testing “to determine whether the seeds are suitable for tropical environments.”  According to a recent article, Hemp Growing Program Suffers Setback, published in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald, “Once licenses are awarded – probably several months after applications open – licenses will be allotted a percentage of the Chinese seeds to raise on their properties and must provide reports to the Department of Agriculture.”   To read the full article, click here.


In New York, industrial hemp is being grown again as the state invests in it as an economic opportunity for farmers and producers.  According to the article, A Growing Industry New York Cultivates Industrial Hemp, published in Cornell periodiCALS, “With regulations now relaxing, research essential to making hemp a viable crop is under way. This past summer, trial plots in Ithaca and the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva were used to study 17 hemp varieties and issues such as disease and insect pests that could prove to be barriers for this emerging industry.”  The university (Cornell) “partnered with farmers across the state to cultivate more than 1,700 acres. The research tapped into our multidisciplinary expertise in plant pathology, breeding, genetics, seed technology, soil and entomology to determine optimal growing practices in the state’s diverse growing conditions.”  To read the full article, click here.



Hemp, Inc. also expressed sincere gratitude and thanks, and salute, to all veterans for Veteran's Day, this past November, 2017.

Our "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is where we will not only grow some of our Hemp, it is a full blown holistic solution to the multifaceted veteran problems in the USA. Our prototype model is in Arizona about 20 miles north of Kingman and 90 miles from Las Vegas, NV. It's our way of saying, "Thank You" to our Veterans.

Hemp, Inc. Announces Strategic Hemp Growing Partner "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." Completes Final Site Plan Blueprints

Hemp, Inc. announced that its strategic growing partner, "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," has completed its final site plan blueprints for its 500-acre site in Golden Valley, Arizona (20 miles north of Kingman, AZ and 90 minutes from Las Vegas, NV). The site plan was submitted to the Mohave County Building Department for final review. The Company is also in the final stages of completing the necessary infrastructure to support an off-grid, renewable, energy system. The remainder of the solar equipment is expected to arrive in the next few days, completing the site's solar power operation.
Dwight Jory, Project Manager for the "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.," said, "We are very happy with the progress. Our Kins Community is really beginning to come together." In anticipation of planting to begin during the Spring, 300 acres have been fenced, 16 overnight trailer park sites are under construction, and six 40x40-ft organic vegetable gardens are ready for seasonal planting, according to Jory. As for the 6 geodesic domes mentioned in an earlier press release, 1 is structurally complete with only the electrical and plumbing to be completed. The rest are on site awaiting final site plan approval. "We are now accepting volunteers who have expressed an interest in helping to build the first Kins Community for our veterans," said Jory. Those interested in making the first hemp growing CBD-producing "Veteran Village Kins Community" become a reality should contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (

One thousand trees, on 36 of the 500-acres, have also been planted, with an additional 1,000 trees on order. The "Veteran Village Kins Community" site plan also includes a 100,000 square foot GMP compliant, central processing plant, CBD testing laboratory, and various health and wellness centers to support veterans who may have psychological, emotional, or health issues.

Hemp, Inc. and "Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc." began development on the "Veteran-Village Kins Community in Arizona" approximately 6 years ago. Kins Communities are designed to grow hemp and produce cannabidiol (CBD) products to benefit veterans and to generate revenue for Hemp, Inc., the Veteran Village, and the individuals living on the land. Each 2.5-acre lot is designed to be self-sustainable, with 1 acre allocated to grow hemp and other areas for an organic garden, natural bee-hives, a living fence, a pond, a family tree and other elements that make up a "Kins Domain."

To learn more of what a Kins Domain is, click here. Volunteers who want to help build America's first "Veteran Village Kins Community" can contact Ms. Sandra Williams via email (

"As Hemp, Inc. positions itself on the forefront of America's industrial hemp revolution, we see our partnership with 'Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.' being paramount in supporting the small family farm movement that we are confident will reshape the American landscape," said Perlowin. "As we work toward getting our eco-village up and running in Arizona, we are also aggressively scouting strategic locations in other states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Giving veterans and other Americans a place to learn new skills and take part in this multi-billion-dollar hemp CBD market is very exciting. It's a big part of our mission to give back."

According to Perlowin, seven "master hemp growers" from Oregon, Colorado, California, Kentucky, North Carolina, Nevada and, of course, Arizona have expressed an interest in pursuing a joint venture with Hemp, Inc. to each grow industrial hemp on the 300 fenced acres in Arizona. Perlowin says he'll call this "The Great United American Hemp Project."
To learn more about Veteran-Village Kins Communities to grow hemp, click here.

About Hemp Inc.
With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.

With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan. Thus, Hemp, Inc.'s "Triple Bottom Line" approach serves as an important tool in balancing meeting business objectives and the needs of society and environment at the same time.

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"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is capturing the historic, monumental re-creation of the hemp decorticator today as America begins to evolve into a cleaner, green, eco-friendly sustainable environment. What many see as the next American Industrial Revolution is actually the Industrial Hemp Revolution.
"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting To subscribe to the "Hemp, Inc. Presents" YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button.

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and information, as defined within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the Safe Harbor created by those sections. This material contains statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements by definition involve risks, uncertainties.
The statements in this press release have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The Company does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act. The Company does sell and distribute hemp-based products.

Hemp, Inc.(855) HEMP-OUT

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Source: Hemp, Inc.