he Perry City General Plan during Town Hall Meetings to be held on October 5th and October 6th (pick which night works best for you) starting at 6 pm at the Three Mile Creek Elementary School. By law each city is required to have a General Plan to guide the growth and development of the community for the next 5 to 20 years; it is also encouraged to update the plan from time to time. As recommendations are made in Planning Commission Meetings and decisions are made in City Council Meetings the measuring stick to be used to decide how to guide the growth of Perry City will be based on the answer to the question, “How does the proposed ordinance, code, or policy promote the parameters and priorities defined in the General Plan?” For example, if the input of the residents to the General Plan update indicates that the residents want more maintained roads then that will be a specific focus area to be funded and worked. If the input of the residents indicates support of more parks, especially if they are willing to pay a little more in property taxes to build and maintain more parks, then council members will know where to guide some of the financial resources of the City. Where do you want to designate as areas for apartments and other moderate income housing options? Are you willing to increase your utility fees now to build additional water wells in order to be ready to have robust residential development projects located in Perry in the future? These are a sampling of questions that residents will get the opportunity to give their input as part of interactive discussions. There will also be an activity where residents will get to help to prioritize items and indicate where they may be willing to support paying additional fees and/or property taxes to address issues or enhance city services.