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National Debt Will Hit $20 Trillion After Next President Is Sworn In

Friday, November 4, 2016 - 10:00am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Nov. 4, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where the next president will inherit a national debt topping $20 trillion. Neither major candidate has a plan, one budget expert tells Fred Lucas. Democrats' campaigns are boosted by donations linked to Planned Parenthood, which wants more taxpayer money, Leah Jessen reports. In Kansas, conservatives hope to reform the state's highest court. Josh Siegel has details. What do Belgian deaths by euthanasia mean for America? Read the latest from Kelsey Harkness. Plus: Daren Bakst on the tyranny of soda taxes.


National Debt Will Top $20 Trillion After Next President Is Sworn In


On March 16, the new president and Congress will have to reach an agreement on the debt limit—which will likely be $20.1 trillion.

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Why Kansas Conservatives Are Pushing Voters to Reshape the State's Highest Court


"The Republican base in Kansas is not comfortable with a lot of decisions the court makes," says Clayton Barker of the state Republican Party. Gov. Sam Brownback, pictured above, has been critical of the court, too.

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Euthanasia Deaths Hit Record High in Belgium. Why That Matters for the US.


In 2015, a total of 2,022 Belgians were legally euthanized. In 2002, the first year the practice was legal, 24 people died by euthanasia.

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Planned Parenthood Arms Spend Over $38 Million to Elect Democrats


"Ultimately, Planned Parenthood itself is bringing in well over half a billion dollars a year from taxpayers and they want to make sure that the politicians stay in office who will keep that money coming," says Casey Mattox of Alliance Defending Freedom.

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How Soda Taxes Crush Freedom and Enrich Government


Soda taxes are regressive in nature and hurt the poor more than anyone else.

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The Health Care Plan That Promises to Protect Your Religious Beliefs


With open enrollment for Obamacare now open, one health care organization is encouraging people to purchase insurance coverage that respects their conscience.

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