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Updates from Senator Lee

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 7:45pm
Senator Mike Lee

Sen. Mike Lee Honored to Support Gorsuch Confirmation


WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) voted to bring Judge Neal Gorsuch’s nomination to the Senate floor Monday. During his remarks, Senator Lee reflected on Judge Gorsuch’s many qualifications as well as the role of Justices on the Supreme Court.


“I wonder how a judge that many are decrying as so wildly out of the mainstream that he can't become confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States could have seen 2,700 cases in his time on the 10th District Court and have ruled in unanimity with his colleagues 97% of the time,” Sen. Lee stated. “In 99% of the cases he was in the majority. That is not the background of a judge who is not in the mainstream.”


Sen. Lee continued, “At the end of the day, it is difficult to imagine a judge who is more well-prepared, more well-credentialed, or more well-suited as a matter of judicial interpretation, of statutory construction, or as a matter of judicial temperament. I am honored to support the confirmation of judge Gorsuch and I encourage my colleagues to do the same.”