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Hey, Jimmy Kimmel: Here's What the Founders Really Thought About Guns

Thursday, October 5, 2017 - 2:15pm
The Daily Signal

Oct. 5, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where politicians talk about building up the military but often don't act. The Heritage Foundation's latest assessment of military strength tells a sobering story, Dakota Wood writes. The left's kneejerk response to the Las Vegas massacre is to cry for more gun control. Jarrett Stepman and Michelle Malkin offer calmer views. In Paris, Nolan Peterson chronicles Islamist terrorism's effects on France. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on the mayor who crossed Trump in Puerto Rico. Thoughts on gun control after the Vegas shooting? Write us at and we may publish your email.


Hey, Jimmy Kimmel: Here's What the Founders Really Thought About Guns


Statistics show gun control has little impact on decreasing crime and violence, but Jimmy Kimmel chose to make his case by making jokes, saying "our forefathers wanted us to have AK-47s is the argument, I assume."

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San Juan Mayor Feuding With Trump Turned Her Back When Asked to Swear to Uphold the Constitution


When taking the oath of office, Carmen Yulín Cruz significantly delayed repeating the words that she would "uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

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Failure to Adequately Fund Military Puts America at Risk


Prior to 1991, the Air Force purchased more than 500 aircraft a year to offset platforms aging out of its inventory. Since then, it has averaged fewer than 100 per year.

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'An Everyday Reality': How France's Way of Life, Laws Have Evolved in the Face of Islamist Terrorism


"France is suffering most," says The Heritage Foundation's Robin Simcox. "It has suffered more attacks than any other country in Europe."

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This Critical Part of Tax Reform Would Help Liberate Small Businesses


Small businesses don't have the luxury of having a team of specialists who understand the intricacies of the tax code.

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How the Tax Code Enables Big Government Blue States


Thanks to the tax code, blue state liberals can have their cake and eat it, too, when it comes to high tax rates. Here's how that works.

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Unmasking the 4 Kinds of Arguments Left Is Making for Gun Control


Celebrities, politicians, and activists' favorite hollow debating tactic is asserting that gun owners, NRA members, and Republicans don't care about gun safety and want more innocent people to die.

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The Daily Signal is brought to you by more than half a million members of The Heritage Foundation.


Oct. 4, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where we think our progressive friends would rather celebrate folks caring for each other under deadly fire in Las Vegas than heed silly propaganda about prohibiting "silencers" on guns. See what Jarrett Stepman and Kelsey Harkness have on this. Plus: Tiffany Bates and Elizabeth Slattery on Senate inaction on judgeships, and Rep. Mark Walker and Sondra Clark with separate looks at what tax reform really means. What's your take on the massacre in Vegas? Write us at and we may publish your thoughts.


In the Face of Evil, Americans Rush to Help Each Other in Las Vegas


Jonathan Smith, a 30-year-old copy machine repairman, rushed into action when he heard shots fired and understood what was happening.

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Tax Reform Where All Americans Win


America's tax code hurts families by punishing marriage, favoring entrenched special interests, and depressing economic, job, and wage growth.

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Here's What a Gun Fired With a 'Silencer' Really Sounds Like


"Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get," tweeted Hillary Clinton. Listen for yourself to the difference between a gun fired with and without a "silencer."

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Why Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate Is a Win for Workers


Studies show the American worker carries 75 to 100 percent of the corporate tax burden. That means many companies, when faced with high taxes, choose to hold back on salary or worker hours.

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Cuba's Troubling Aggression Toward US Diplomats


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expelling two-thirds of Cuba's diplomats stationed at their embassy in Washington, D.C.

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Why Trump's Appeals Court Nominees Are Backed Up in the Senate


The Senate has confirmed only seven judges (including Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch) this year.

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Why Does the Left Ignore Black-on-Black Crime?


So far in 2017, Chicago has had 533 murders and 2,880 shootings. It turns out that most of the murder victims are black.

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The Daily Signal is brought to you by more than half a million members of The Heritage Foundation.