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Cannabis Extract Bill May Run Into Constitutional Problem

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 - 1:15pm

Cannabis Extract Bill May Run Into Constitutional Problems

By Bob Bernick


It's hard enough to get conservative Utah legislators to vote for any bill that may be connected with marijuana or hemp.

But put on a negative constitutional note, and the challenge becomes greater.


Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville, hasHB105, a bill that would allow Utahns to purchase a liquid extract of hemp, a grass product used to make rope, and in some cases has marijuana-like chemicals.

Froerer told UtahPolicy that he started out earlier this year trying to help outepilepticchildren, who, various studies find can be helped with the hemp extract oil.

But since he's gone public with his efforts, he's been getting letters and emails from post-18-year-olds from around the country testifying that they, too, have found aid with the hemp extract.

Froerer said the $1 trillion U.S. Farm Bill passed this week by the U.S. Senate has language in it that helps Froerer's and others' cause of giving aid to epileptic Americans, young and old.

However, the long constitutional note on HB105 says (at the bottom of the bill), in part, "this legislation has a high probability of being declared unconstitutional by a court." The note was just released this week.