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Hatch Speaks on Senate Floor on King v. Burwell

Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 8:30am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Speaks on Senate Floor on King v. Burwell


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, member and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee spoke on the Senate floor today about the King v. Burwell Obamacare subsidies case.

(Via YouTube)




Select Excerpts:


  • Notwithstanding the unmistakably clear text of the statute, which limits subsidies to plans purchased through state-established exchanges, and notwithstanding that this limitation was absolutely fundamental to accomplishing Congress’s purpose of incentivizing states to establish exchanges, the President decided that he would also offer subsidies for plans purchased through federally established exchanges.


  •  President Obama’s open defiance of clear statutory text and utter disregard for the balance Congress struck is an affront to the separation of powers and to the rule of law. 


  • The President and his enablers argue that subsidies for federally enrolled plans are necessary to accomplish Obamacare’s overall purpose of reducing costs and improving health care access.  Without subsidies to individuals in the 34 states without state-run exchanges, the President argues, residents of these states will be hit with higher costs and unaffordable health care.  The law must be rewritten, he says, to avoid the consequences the law itself imposes.




On the Future of Healthcare, Post King v. Burwell


  • And that’s what we have to do: repeal and replace Obamacare.  That’s the only permanent solution to this and a host of other problems. 


  • The American people deserve a health care law that works, and a President that follows the law.  The former we can get started on now.  The latter, well, we have two years till 2017.



