Notice Date & Time: 8/3/16 6:30 PM
Planning Commission Meeting
August 3, 2016
505 East 2600 North
North Ogden City, Utah
Welcome: Chairman Waite
Invocation: Commissioner Prisbrey
Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Mason
6:30PM - Regular Meeting
1. Roll Call
2. Public Comments for items not on the Agenda
3. Opening Meeting Statement
4. Ex parte communications or conflicts of interest to disclose
5. Administrative Items
a. SUB 2016-08 Consideration and action on an administrative application, final approval of the Cactus Ridge Subdivision, Phase III, (18 lots) located at approximately 575 East 3775 North
6. Legislative Items
a. ZTA 2016-05 Public Hearing to receive comments to consider a legislative application to amend the North Ogden Zoning ordinance, PRUD zone setbacks
b. ZTA 2016-05 Consideration and Recommendation to consider a legislative application to amend the North Ogden Zoning ordinance, PRUD zone setbacks
7. Public Comments for items not on the Agenda
8. Remarks from Planning Commissioners
9. Report of City Planner
10. Remarks from City Attorney
11. Adjournment