With the Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea upon us, WalletHub today released its 2018 Winter Olympics By The Numbers report, which includes an awesome infographic as well as commentary from a panel of leading sports experts.
Some of the interesting statistics in the infographic include:
$13 Billion: Estimated cost of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, 4x less than the record-setting 2014 Sochi Games.
$19.6 Million: Was spent on cybersecurity and X-ray screening for the PyeongChang Games.
$4,683: Average price of a week-long trip to PyeongChang for the Olympics.
242: Athletes on the U.S. team - a record for any country in the Winter Olympics.
169: Russian athletes received a special exemption to compete after Russia was banned from the 2018 Olympics due to a doping scandal
With the start of the Winter Olympics this week, the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement warning travelers to be aware of cyber security risks: "At high-profile events, cyber activists may take advantage of the large audience to spread their message. Cyber criminals may attempt to steal personally identifiable information or harvest users’ credentials for financial gain. There is also the possibility that mobile or other communications will be monitored."
Dr. Eric Cole who can share tips for travelers to stay cyber safe at the Olympics. Dr. Cole is CEO of Secure Anchor, former CTO of McAfee and Lockheed Martin, member of the Commission on Cyber Security for President Obama, the security advisor for Bill Gates and his family, and author of a new book releasing this month, Online Danger: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From the Evil Side of the Internet.
He can discuss with you:
Signs your personal information has been compromised and what to do about it if you are in a foreign country
Should you change all your passwords before you travel? Tips to pick a password that's hard to crack
Tips for traveling with credit cards
How to keep your computer and smartphone secure in a foreign country
Should you alert your bank and credit card company of your travels?
Whether you should get rid of certain apps before you travel as they can compromise your cyber safety