Feb. 8, 2018
Good morning from Washington, where the revelations keep coming. John Malcolm analyzes the new facts that came out about the FBI and the Steele dossier in a new letter from two senators. How bad is the new budget deal? Justin Bogie weighs in and Rachel del Guidice reports on the uproar from conservatives. Plus: Ken McIntyre on a magistrate discriminated against because of her faith, Chrissy Clark on the inspiring new Gerber baby, and Jarrett Stepman on how President Trump isn’t the first president to want a military parade.
The memo suggests that some of the information fed to Christopher Steele and included in his dossier did not come from highly placed Russian sources, but from people associated with the Clintons.
Over the next two years, the deal would raise the Budget Control Act caps by $296 billion with only a third of that being paid for.
In a Sept. 2, 2016, text message to Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of the FBI's counterintelligence division, FBI lawyer Lisa Page suggests that, as president, Obama was tracking the progress of one or more cases.
"This budget deal is a betrayal of everything limited government conservatism stands for and I will be voting no," says Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, not pictured.
The state of North Carolina has restored lost salary and retirement benefits to a former magistrate whom officials forced out because she wouldn't abandon her religious beliefs to perform civil marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.
Tax revenue is not our problem. The federal government has collected nearly 20 percent of the nation's gross domestic product almost every year since 1960.
"Every year, we choose the baby who best exemplifies Gerber’s long-standing heritage of recognizing that every baby is a Gerber baby," says Gerber CEO Bill Partyka.
President Trump is reportedly working with the Pentagon to host a military parade in the District of Columbia. Trump was impressed by France’s Bastille Day parade, which he witnessed in July.
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