Sept. 8, 2017
Good morning from the nation's capital, where we're thinking of and praying for all the folks in Hurricane Irma's path. But Congress shouldn't accept the shortsighted budget deal President Trump cut with Democrats in the wake of Harvey, Justin Bogie writes. Leave it to CNN and other biased media to distort Ronald Reagan's record and glorify a discredited outfit as an enemy of "hate." Lee Edwards and Casey Mattox weigh in. Plus: Tiffany Bates on Al Franken's skewed view of Supreme Court material, and Hans von Spakovsky on lawmakers' proper role in amnesty for "Dreamers." Stay safe this weekend.
What the producers fail to understand is that Reagan was a great president and remains an enduring presidential model because of his firm commitment to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and his deep respect for the Founders.
When the elevator door opened in the lobby, my colleagues and I saw a man sitting, bleeding, surrounded by police.
"The government cannot force you to speak where you would choose to remain silent," says Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah..
Congress and the administration are using the victims of a disaster to push their own agenda through—and once again avoiding the issues of federal spending and unsustainable national debt.
The Minnesota Democrat announces his intent to obstruct Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras, the president's nominee to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
The president doesn't have the authority to decide who should be in the United States legally when it comes to immigrants.
This week's episode takes on Planned Parenthood's failed attempt to insert itself into the immigration debate, Hillary Clinton's new book, and Democratic senators' religious test for Trump's appeals court nominee.
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