Phase two update on Operation Rio Grande
First round of treatment beds become available
What: Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams and Salt Lake County Sheriff Rosie Rivera will discuss current efforts to move eligible Operation Rio Grande arrestees out of jail and into treatment. The mayor and sheriff will be joined by McCaye Christianson with the Legal Defenders Association and First Step House’s Shawn McMillen to discuss the path to treatment with the partners, and how rapid access to treatment will help break the costly cycle of nonviolent offenders going into and out of jail. In addition, the Utah Department of Public Safety will provide a law enforcement update.
Mayor Ben McAdams
Salt Lake County Sheriff Rosie Rivera
McCaye Christianson, Legal Defenders Association
Shawn McMillen, First Step House
Major Jesse Anderson, Utah Department of Public Safety
Governor Herbert to hold media call following senate hearing
What: Gov. Gary R. Herbert will provide a readout of his testimony before, and participation in, the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions hearing on Stabilizing Premiums and Helping Individuals in the Individual Insurance Market for 2018: Governors. Information on the hearing and livestreamed video can be found here.
Gov. Gary R. Herbert
Thurs., Sept. 7, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. MST/2:00 p.m. EST