Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs to Hold Federalism Hearing
CONTACT: Lee Lonsberry 202 225 0453
WASHINGTON – On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 2:00 PM EDT in H-313 The Capitol, the Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs will hold its second hearing.
Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs hearing. Are We “Federalizing” Federalism? A Primer on Federalism, State and Local Government and Interrelations with the Federal Government
Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 2:00 PM EDT
H-313 The Capitol or CLICK HERE to stream live
Witnesses will include:
Heather Gerken - Dean and the Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law at Yale Law School
Timothy J. Conlan, Ph.D. - Professor of Government at George Mason University
Matthew Spalding, Ph.D. - Associate Vice President and Dean of Educational Programs for Hillsdale College
BACKGROUND: In May of 2017, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced the creation of the Task Force, a bipartisan group of lawmakers focused on balancing the interests between federal and local governments. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) was appointed Chairman of the Task Force.
CMRubinWorld’s new interview with global education thought leader and author, Pak Tee Ng, focuses on how Singapore consistently updates it’s education system to stay on top of trends in a rapidly changing world.
It is no secret that Singapore has one of the strongest education systems in the world. However, this has not stopped Singapore from continuing to build on its position of strength, which includes learning from other education systems around the world. In a recent interview with CMRubinWorld, Pak Tee Ng says that Singapore’s education system is constantly focused on how best to prepare youth for the obstacles they will face in the future. “We change when we are strong rather than wait until we are desperate. Then we can change in a more mindful and reflective manner. Work has begun much earlier but we are putting in more efforts to emphasize values inculcation, lifelong learning, holistic education and 21st century skills. We hope to encourage joyful learning and help our students develop resilience and an entrepreneurial spirit.”
Pak Tee Ng. explains that “efficient and effective learning” are the goals in Singapore schools but that educators today are “much more mindful and intentional about making the learning process a joyful one, so that students develop an intrinsic desire for lifelong learning. Then, they will be better prepared to deal with future complex challenges.” In terms of the role of teachers in Singapore’s model, Pak Tee Ng says change “requires teachers to examine their teaching methods to engage their students better.” And on the subject of curriculum, he notes educators are “making content more relevant to real life and giving students opportunities to apply knowledge and skills learned in school in authentic work settings.”
Read the full article here.
Pak Tee Ng is Associate Dean, Leadership Learning, Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning, and Head and Associate Professor, Policy and Leadership Studies Academic Group, at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Republic of Singapore.
CMRubinWorld launched in 2010 to explore what kind of education would prepare students to succeed in a rapidly changing globalized world. Its award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, is a highly regarded trailblazer in the renaissance of 21st century education, and occupies a widely respected place in the pulse of key issues facing every nation and the collective future of all children. It connects today’s top thought leaders with a diverse global audience of parents, students and educators. Its highly readable platform allows for discourse concerning our highest ideals and the sustainable solutions we must engineer to achieve them. C. M. Rubin has produced over 500 interviews and articles discussing an extensive array of topics under a singular vision: when it comes to the world of children, there is always more work to be done.
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