Nov. 9, 2017
Good morning from Washington. While the president's tweets attract an outsized amount of attention, Steve Moore notes what the media isn't focusing on: the economic boom occurring. Here's what else isn't getting much media play: the 100th anniversary of communism. Daniel Hannan and Ed Feulner weigh in on the tragic consequences of the heinous political system. One hundred and thirteen years ago today, Wilbur Wright had the longest flight yet, at a whopping five minutes. History doesn't record if United dragged anyone off that flight.
Last week the stock market raced to new all-time highs; we had another blockbuster jobs report with another fall in the unemployment rate; and housing sales soared to their highest level in a decade.
California's NAACP has launched a campaign to remove "The Star-Spangled Banner" as America's national anthem because it is "one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon."
"The Atlantic slave trade killed maybe 10 million people. The Nazis killed maybe 17 million. Communists killed 100 million people," says Daniel Hannan, a conservative member of European Parliament.
"Just a few months ago the CBO had us playing by one set of rules for debating health care policy and now we are being told those rules have been completely changed for tax policy," says Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
Life expectancy of Russians in the 1980s was six years lower than in Western Europe. Infant mortality was three times higher. Death rates were rising for every age group.
President Reagan insisted that peace was only possible through strength, and sometimes through a display of strength. That's why we have 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in some 172 countries and territories.
Democrats are now paying attention and getting involved in state races, an area Republicans had dominated in recent years.
Local officials in the state's Department of Education are actually debating a regulation that would let students choose their race and their gender.
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