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Friday, March 9, 2018 - 10:30am


On Watch: Leftists using U.S. Tax Dollars to Destabilize Guatemalan Government

In this episode of "On Watch," JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell explains how the Left uses "Lawfare" to attack constitutional republics and freely elected governments while your tax dollars are being used to prop-up leftists using the judicial system to destabilize the Guatemalan government. To read more about Soros's operation in Guatemala, click HERE.


We need your help. Conservatives in Congress are fighting to give military families freedom over their kids' educational choices. 

But the special interests are pushing back against this commonsense proposal. 

The Education Savings Accounts for Military Families Act of 2018 (H.R. 5199) would allow parents of military-connected children to establish voluntary Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) to pay for whatever educational service works best for their children. This bill not only directly benefits those who sacrifice their lives for our safety, but also strengthens our military by enhancing recruitment and increasing retention.

Heritage Action is leading a letter to show Congress that our nation's active-duty, reserve, military spouses, and veterans believe Military Education Savings Accounts would benefit military families and their children. If you are a member of a military family, we would like to add your name as a co-signer on our Military ESA letter. 

If you are an active-duty, reserves, military spouse, or veteran you can add you name to our letter by: 

  1. Signing your name HERE
  2. Replying to this email with you name, state, and your enlistment status

Please share this letter with family, friends and others who can help us in this critical fight. 


Join us for a Day of Inspiration for Women


We are excited to announce a new kind of Girls on the Run event; called Actually, I Can. Saturday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Park City Hospital, Blair Education Center.  It's a day focused on emotional and physical wellness for women and girls ages 14 and up. Come learn how to live more consciously and take charge of your thoughts, feelings,and emotions so you actually can live the life you want.

Learning and Inspiration 

Stacey and Senti, creators of LifeCourse Education will offer a unique perspective for seeing your life. You'll discover the importance of knowing your emotional body, learn valuable tools to set goals and understand where you expend energy. 

Be inspired by Kristy Muir, mom of three girls who founded an educational technology company called FuzePlay.

Find this event on Facebook here.

Learn More



Kristy Muir – Keynote speaker

Kristy is a community-oriented visionary studied in Piano Pedagogy and Marriage Family Therapy.  As Co-Founder and CEO of FuzePlay, Kristy is a passionate leader and social influencer who was named one of Utah’s Most Inspirational Entrepreneurs as well as Top Ten Coolest Entrepreneurs in Utah. Kristy is a dedicated single mother to three girls, hair fanatic, and inspirational EdTech innovator and advocate.

For more information on Kristy and FuzePlay, head to her website:



Life Coaching from Life Course Education
Senti Sorensen-Howells

Senti is a Graduate of the University of Utah in Psychology and earned a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.  Her passion is sharing what she has learned with anyone who will listen. 

Stacey Sayers

Stacey takes much delight in being the mother of two daughters, a traveler of places near and far, and a fearless explorer of personal growth. 

Keep Reading

Event Agenda

Event Pricing

General Registration (after March 15): $75

Fearless (Early registration before March 15): $65
Girl Power (Girls ages 14-18): $50 
BFF (Registration for two!):  $125 
Bring your Crew (Buy a table): $500     
Pricing includes breakfast and lunch 

Hotel Accommodations 


If you want to come stay the night in Park City, we have a negotiated a discounted rate at the Hyatt Place for Friday, April 13 or Saturday, April 14.

Use this link to a book discounted room:


If you're feeling uninspired, bored and frustrated with your life, we challenge you to spend the day with us on April 14, 2018. We think that you'll leave inspired and ready to tackle the overwhelming circumstances in your life. We can't wait to see all of you there!

Register Today!