April 3, 2017
Good morning from the nation's capital, where the IRS' top tax man still has his job under President Trump, despite GOP calls for his head. Fred Lucas looks at why. Way too much Washington was in the failed Obamacare replacement bill, Genevieve Wood says. Why is a grandmother challenging a union that represents home caregivers like herself? Kevin Mooney has the story. Plus: Ana Quintana and Gabriela Anciola on the corrupt socialism that rots Venezuela, and Kevin Dayaratna on bad data behind the Obama climate mission.
In an affidavit, Patricia Johansen says she is convinced the union, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota, forged her signature so it could start deducting the dues.
Obamacare's regulations alone were responsible for driving premiums costs up by as much as 68 percent. But getting rid of Obamacare's architecture was not in the GOP's most recent repeal and replace legislation.
Food is so scarce that adults are losing on average 19 pounds a year from sacrificing meals and feeding their kids instead.
Though IRS Commissioner John Koskinen wasn't in office when the IRS targeted tea party and conservative groups, House Republicans said he was repeatedly uncooperative and misled congressional investigators.
The Obama administration was using these flimsy models to rubber-stamp its environmental agenda and to manipulate and inflate the social cost of carbon.
"I think it's repugnant that conservatives are portrayed as racist, sexist xenophobes in most of what I read," writes in Dean Mathieson, who says he is not Republican.
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