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Is There a Doctor in the House?

Friday, May 26, 2017 - 6:30pm
John Kushma


Because, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM ...??!!!  


And a lawyer too, because President Trump will need both.


Seriously, what’s wrong with our president?  Besides his megalomaniac personality and boorish behavior, for which we all seem to have given him a free pass to the White House, is there something seriously wrong with the President of the United Sates either mentally or physically?  


I’m thinking possibly early stages of Alzheimer’s.


Nonetheless, here we are and here’s what we’ve got.  A turning point in both World and American history.  It wasn’t just Donald Trump that brought us here, it’s been a long time coming.  Trump has just accelerated the process, and in his ultimate reality show  staring role, he has become the prophesied symbol of Armageddon.


That may sound a little strong.  What I’m trying to say is we’ve been given enough rope to hang ourselves.


Abraham Lincoln had the foresight to recognize that it wouldn’t be Americas’ outside enemies that would ultimately bring us down, but that it would come from within.


The man knew his politics.


President Trump’s recent world tour was a weak backdrop and no distraction to what’s going on over here.  Watching his antics on the news made me embarrassed for America.  The ridiculously awkward display of hypocrisy dancing the scimitar hokey pokey with our Arab buddies in Riyadh was bad enough, but watching our American president ceremoniously stoop over as Saudi King Salman placed the golden  ‘Congressional Medal of Allah‘ over Trump’s crazy hair and around his neck was, in my view, irreverent posturing and real bad optics.  


It was way over the line regarding diplomacy and foreign policy.  I would liked to have seen a measured cordiality and decorum from Trump toward the Saudis.  Allies?  It would seem so, but many say that Saudi Arabia is the hub of radical Islamic terrorist support, and that these are the folks who have spawned and housed much of the terrorist activity against the west.  Saudi Arabia is the homeland to Osama bin Laden.  The Saudis claim to be against any form of terrorism but have done little to fight against it.        


I’m all for good foreign relations, and I’ll even give the President credit for seemingly  ‘staying close to his friends and closer to his enemies’, but there is a point where you either drop your pants or maintain self respect in the worldview, and in the view of your fellow Americans.  Trump dropped his pants for the staged ceremonial adulation and praise he was receiving in Saudi Arabia.  And we know how much The Donald loves to be cheered, praised and applauded ...and how much he loves gold.


Donald Trump is like having ‘Goldfinger‘ in the White house, and not a credible, bonafied American president. 


Another traditional dance President Trump will be doing soon, or has been doing for some time now, and one that we all may be doing, is the Russian Cossack Squat Dance.  Appropriately named.  As the special council investigating Trump’s collusion allegations with the Russian government move forward, and as Trump et al ‘lawyer up‘, we all have front row seats to what many are saying is the the beginning of the end of America.


Not possible?  I hope not.  But I think I’m legitimately concerned about it.    


The ultimate reality show is about to begin, and they’re all weighing in, and dancing.  Dancing with the stars -- the Potomac Two-Step.  Flynn, Comey, John Brennan, Carter Page, Clapper, Hayden ..DeVos ..senators and congressmen from both sided of the aisle ..investigative committee leaders media stars and pundits ..Russian foreign ministers and Ambassadors ..Trump ..Putin ..Kim Jong-un ..the Chinese, Duterte in the Philippines ...


...even the Pope has gotten into the act.


This is truly a worldwide event, and the world is watching closely.  Watching, and many hoping, to see America in its decline.  They are laughing at us.  The respect and admiration America once held throughout the world is disintegrating before our television eyes.  Our politicians and leaders are on worldwide TV every day testifying for and against one another, pleading the 5th Amendment, giving evasive answers.  They are going to wear out their elbows raising their right hands!


These senate committee hearings are looking more like the mafia hearings.


Denials, allegations, accusations ...good television entertainment or not, we Americans are all so tired of the secrets, the lies, and the cover-ups.  Enough already!  Stop it!  You are embarrassing yourselves, grab-assing, acting like children.  Worse, you are embarrassing all of us.


You are disgracing the founders of this country and they are rolling in their graves.  


Am I that naive to think my government leaders have my back?  It feels more like a knife in the back.  They are starting to look creepy, and mistrustful, like professional con men and liars. 


There may not be a doctor in the house to help a sick president and ailing America, but I know someone who has suggested a remedy ...


American singer-songwriter and comedian, Ray Stevens, wrote and performed many 70’s classics like “Everything is Beautiful” and “Misty” ..and humorous, zany novelty songs like “Gitarzan” and “The Streak.”  He also did some politically charged work, and one in particular struck me as appropriate ...”Throw the Bums Out!”
