July 17, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where Obama's green energy policies have a surprisingly strong hold on the Trump Pentagon. Fred Lucas reports. Lawyers for a florist hope the nation's highest court will listen to her when the justices hear from a cake maker, consolidating two cases of Christians declining to be part of same-sex marriage. Kelsey Harkness has the latest. Plus: Elle Rogers on one Arab nation's bid for democracy, Jay Hobbs on forcing pregnancy centers to promote free abortions, and Vijay Menon on the wisdom of exchanging food stamps for work.
The Trump administration hasn't staked out a strong case on whether to roll back the Obama administration's aggressive push for biofuels, wind, solar, and other renewables in the military.
Mirroring California law, Hawaii's edict forces pregnancy centers to post and distribute to clients a notification that the state offers free abortions, as well as a website link on how to schedule a taxpayer-funded abortion.
"The heart of both … cases is the same—should the government be allowed to force creative professionals to create custom designs that violate their faith, and punish them severely if they don't?" says Kristen Waggoner of Alliance Defending Freedom.
A new bill would establish the principle that welfare assistance should not be a one-way handout.
While Arab countries such as Egypt and Syria have returned to authoritarianism and instability, Tunisia continues to embrace the liberal order, its promoters say.
"The whole minimum wage thing is a bad idea pushed by Seattle's liberals thinking … they are being compassionate and helping the poor get jobs. Wrong again," writes Edmund Hickey of Oak Harbor, Wash.
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