1. Still Can’t Explain This: President Trump Gets Lost Searching for his Limo Watch here
2. Hilarious New Musical Video: “DACA Shame” (Sing along to Danke Schoen) Ribald Watch Here
3. John Oliver: On North Korea, with "Weird Al" Yankovic to perform some accordion diplomacy (Ribald) Watch here
4. Stephen Colbert: Trump's Pick To Head NASA, A Climate Denier, Has No Background In Science Watch here
5. Funny: Bernie Sanders Tries To Say Something Nice About Trump Watch here
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Herbert Says Fed Should Use Utah Model for Healthcare...What IS He Talking About?
Governor Herbert was back in DC testifying that Utah has a better way on health care. WHAT? Is he talking to Congress about the fabulous Utah model. Read More
Why has the State Quietly Paid Super Lobbyists Pignanelli & Foxley Tens of Thousands of Dollars Since 2014, for ‘PR’ For a Lawsuit--That has Yet to be Filed?
Read the AP story. In 2014, the legislature took $2.4 million tax dollars and gave it to the Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands. The Commission then hired a New Orleans law firm (not any qualified lawyers in Utah apparently) and paid the law firm $350,000 for a feasibility study on the question 'If Utah sued the Federal Government for 32 million acres of public land, would Utah prevail?" Read more
Trump Says USA “Highest Taxed Nation on Earth”. Fake News!
Last week Trump tweeted: "We are the highest taxed nation in the world - that will change." Baloney says Robert Reich. The U.S. has the 4th lowest taxes of any major economy. (Only South Korea, Chile, and Mexico ranking lower). Read More
How Much Utah Tax Money Should We Dole Out To Amazon? One, Two Billion $$$’s Enough?
And in the days of the giant corporations, a savior came to the states and cities. He appeared in the dreams of gullible Mayors and Governors. The crafty billionaire savior said unto them, "I will create 'up to' 50,000 jobs." And lo and behold, the Governors and Mayors were dazzled and they groveled. But, the people were scornful, for they understood the sophistry of the crafty billionaire savior. They understood his cunning-that they would lose jobs. They understood what he really meant was 'Give me billions of taxpayer dollars and I will auction off jobs, pitting one against another--until there is no good for anyone except for me. And watch, as bedazzled leaders cheer while I, the savior billionaire, close down their entire local retailing economy. And the duped politicians will say everywhere in the land of me--HE is great. For HE is a billionaire' Read More
Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have a common sense workable, affordable plan! Read More
The GOP says Obama Care is 'not sustainable”. But Utah leaders have no answer on what will work. Here is a plan that makes sense. Read More
Utah is an Outlier. Conservatives are Split Over U.S. Land Transfers to Western States
Many lifelong political conservative worries that cash-strapped states that acquire public land will be forced to sell to private companies only to extract oil, gas and timber. Many conservative outdoors enthusiasts to join liberal environmentalists in opposing such transfers. Read More
As the Rio Grande Homeless Project Moves Along…
A loving gentle reminder to policymakers that:
1. JUST arresting people has not worked for more than very short bursts. They will get out and be back on the streets lickety–splits.
2. Statewide, the number of substance treatment openings should equal--the number of people who want treatment. The only way to do that is is immediate, FULL Medicaid Expansion. That's $677 million--available right NOW. Millions could be used to help the homeless get treatment and medication.
3. Utah has 3,050,000 people. SL County has 1,100,000 people. Salt Lake City has 192,000 people. Homelessness is not just a Salt Lake City problem--people come from Davis County, St George, Richfield, Logan and even Utah, God's County. This bill must be PAID by all Utahns.
4. Fairly, costs of homeless should be allocated:
State of Utah 69.89%
Salt Lake County 25.6%
Salt Lake City 4.4%
The largest event series in the world, The Color Run, is coming to Salt Lake City on Saturday, Oct. 14. The event will benefit Huntsman Hometown Heroes and will be held at Utah State Fairpark.
Founded by Utah native Travis Snyder (BYU '05), The Color Run has now hosted over 300 events in 35+ countries. Travis started producing fitness events exclusively in Utah for 10 years before he created The Color Run. The company headquarters is located in Salt Lake City.
"The demand has been crazy and exciting," said Travis. Every day, hundreds of people make requests on our Facebook page for us to bring the event to their favorite city. We’re excited to answer the call!”
This year's event is different from previous years with a brand new theme and tour elements. Foam, color, music, unicorns, spray paint... what more could you ask for from a fun 5K