Report: ISIS in possession of more than 11,000 blank Syrian passports
Source: World Tribune
Islamic State (ISIS) holds some 11,100 blank Syrian passports which German authorities fear could be used to bring potential terrorists into Europe, a report said. The passports, stolen from Syrian government sites, are genuine identity papers that have not yet been filled out with an individual’s details.
Feds Blame “Lapse in Vetting” for Admitting Syrian Refugees with Terrorist Ties into U.S.
Source: Judicial Watch
Dozens of Syrian refugees already living in the Unites States may have ties to terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is downplaying it, claiming federal agents missed “possible derogatory information” about the immigrants due to “a lapse in vetting.”
ODNI Confirms Terrorists Tried to Enter U.S. as Syrian Refugees
Source: Judicial Watch
Individuals with ties to terrorist groups in Syria have tried to infiltrate the United States through the Obama refugee program that will admit at least 10,000 Syrians, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has confirmed.
Another DHS Official Confirms: No Way to Vet Syrian Refugees
Source: Judicial Watch
As the Obama administration prepares to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees, a second high-ranking Homeland Security official admits there’s no way to screen the new arrivals from the war-torn Muslim nation that’s a hotbed of terrorism.
Officers use robotic deer decoy to catch lawbreakers (limited opportunity)
What: It’s a time of year when some Utahns can’t resist the sight of a big buck on the side of the road — even if shooting hours are over for the day. Next week, DWR officers will place a robotic deer decoy on the side of the road during nighttime hours and then cite anyone who takes a shot at it. Reporters and photographers are invited to join officers on the stakeout and see if the decoy is effective in preventing illegal, after-hours shooting. Note: This opportunity will occur at night and is limited to one media representative. You may be waiting with the officer for an hour or longer before anyone attempts to shoot the decoy
Dropping seed and straw on the Brian Head burn scar
What: Residents of southern Utah may see seeds and straw raining down from the sky in the upcoming weeks. That’s because DWR habitat-restoration specialists are working to restore terrain burned during the Brian Head fire. A fixed-wing plane drops the seed, followed by a helicopter that drops the straw. The straw holds down the seed, provides some erosion control and aids in seed germination. Reporters and photographers are invited to view this process from the ground and interview habitat crews about the restoration work.
Improving winter range for mule deer
What: Bullhogs are heavy machines that the DWR uses to improve habitat. The bullhogs tear out and shred pinion/juniper trees, leaving room for widespread sagebrush growth. In a few years — long after the loud, messy machinery is gone — these areas will offer prime winter range for mule deer and many other species that live in the Book Cliffs. Over the next month or two, the DWR will use a bullhog to mulch pinion/juniper trees. Reporters and photographers are invited to visit the project site and interview DWR habitat biologists about how the work will benefit wildlife. See a DWR bullhog in action: