Sept. 15, 2017
Happy Friday from Washington, where President Trump's dalliance with Democrats on amnesty for "Dreamers" rankles immigration hawks in his own party. Fred Lucas reports on the flap, and how state GOP officials forced the president's hand, while legal whiz Hans von Spakovsky talks DACA with Daniel Davis. Hey, how come liberals aren't toasting woman power at the White House? Kelsey Harkness has thoughts. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on what a top Justice Department official says about character and the law, and Joseph Postell on reasons to recommit this Constitution Day, which is Sunday. Enjoy the weekend.
"The president walked right into Chuck Schumer's car lot and was told there is no way home without buying a car. He has fallen for a tired, pro-amnesty talking point," says Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies.
You'd think the president of the United States' choosing women to lead his communications team would be a big deal for female-focused publications.
The Constitution—the one taught to students in civics classes—doesn't really exist anymore. Nowadays, American government follows a process that barely resembles the basic principles established in our fundamental law.
Confused about how the program works? The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky explains what it has done and what will happen if Congress doesn't act.
"On Constitution Day, it is appropriate to keep in mind that although the power of the federal government is vast, it is expressly limited," says Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
"There was never one instance of Democratic attorneys general organizing a challenge to even the most outrageous of President Obama's executive overreaches," says former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.
It was expected that there might be violence again at the California university once famed for its embrace of free speech.
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