“We were ready for anything, but fortunately we weren’t needed for emergencies…”
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, USA, September 18, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- A year's worth of rain fell in just five days in Houston — and the destruction and flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey left tens of thousands in distress. While most people were looking to escape Houston, 11 Intermountain caregivers headed straight for the eye of the storm as part of an elite medical team deployed to Houston to provide backup medical support for some of the hardest-hit areas.
The Utah Disaster Medical Assistance Team is a group of physicians, nurses, EMTs, and other medical specialists who have agreements with employers, like Intermountain, to help on short-term notice when disaster strikes. The team's 11 Intermountain caregivers were from Intermountain Medical Center, Primary Children's, Life Flight, Utah Valley Hospital, and Orem Community Hospital.
When the team arrived in Houston they set up a field hospital near Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport. A 'field hospital' is a military term used to describe a mobile medical unit near a combat or disaster zone. With Houston now under four feet of water, the team was prepared for the worst, which thankfully never came.
"We were ready for anything," says Scott Gardner, PA-C in Trauma Services at Intermountain Medical Center. "Some of our mission was to be available in 30 minutes to be able to go anywhere to set up a self-supporting medical treatment area. But fortunately for the people of south Texas, we weren't needed for emergencies. It meant the first responders and hospitals were well-prepared and operational."
After spending four days at the field hospital, the team was sent to help staff a clinic at Houston's George Brown Convention Center, where 10,000 evacuees were taking shelter. "Patients were grateful for the help," says Scott. "And despite the disaster everyone seemed to be coping well with the crisis they were going through."
After 10 days, the team flew back to Utah weary but energized by the experience.
"We were all excited to help anyone in any way possible," says Scott. "While we would have liked to have more patient care opportunities, we were happy to be there to help Texans in any way we could. And we're grateful for the support of our families and coworkers for allowing us the opportunity to help others."
As for disasters to come, Scott says they're ready. "We really learned how the system works and I feel better prepared because I have a better idea of what I'll be doing and what I need to do to be helpful when the need arises."
Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based, not-for-profit system of 22 hospitals, 180 clinics, a Medical Group with some 1,500 employed physicians, a health plans division called SelectHealth, and other health services. Helping people live the healthiest lives possible, Intermountain is widely recognized as a leader in transforming healthcare through high quality and sustainable costs. For more information about Intermountain, visit intermountainhealthcare.org.
The Hemp University Appoints (Double Ph.D.) Dr. Bruck as Dean: Hemp, Inc. Announces
SPRING HOPE, NC - (Marketwired – Sept 14, 2017) – Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) announced today that Dr. Robert Ian Bruck (double Ph.D.), Director and Founder of North Carolina State University Environmental Technology Program (B.S.), has been appointed Dean of Hemp, Inc.’s Hemp University and is scheduled to speak at the upcoming Hemp University educational symposium on September 30, 2017. In his role as Dean, Dr. Bruck will be responsible for the management and development of the education curriculum at The Hemp University.
Dr. Bruck holds a B.A. in Biology from The State University of New York, Buffalo State, a Ph.D. in Forest Pathology, Phytopathology from The State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry; a Ph.D. in Forestry from Syracuse University and a Post-Doctoral Fellow from Cornell University, and years of experience in the fields of plant pathology and ecology. Among his many accolades, Dr. Bruck has received over twenty academic awards including the University Distinguished Lecturer Award and the University Distinguished Adviser Award, both from North Carolina State University and has graced the Who’s Who in America list multiple years. To read Dr. Bruck’s full Vitae, click here.
“Dr. Bruck is an intellectual visionary and understands the evolving industrial hemp sector. The interdisciplinary perspective he brings from academia and his professional career is not only unique, but profound,” says Perlowin. “I am thrilled to have him officially join us as we continue to establish The Hemp University as the premier educational institution of the industrial hemp industry. Dr. Bruck’s contribution and leadership will be a huge benefit to The Hemp University, and, most importantly, to our attendees.”
Educated in Biology, Forestry, and Forest Pathology, Phytopathology, Bruck brings a broad, interdisciplinary perspective to The Hemp University. In addition to the above mentioned, he also serves as Director of North Carolina State Institute (NCSU) for Environmental Technology Education; Special Asst. to the Vice Chancellor for Research, Outreach & Extension, NCSU; Coordinator of University Environmental Programs; and, Professor, Depts. of Plant Pathology and Forestry.
“I have been very fortunate in my career to work with so many incredible people. This appointment, in particular, is truly a rare opportunity to be on the front lines of this industrial hemp revolution by helping students achieve their hemp cultivation goals and inspiring more farmers to produce this multi-faceted industrial hemp crop. I am deeply honored to be entrusted with this responsibility,” explained Dr. Bruck. “Hemp, Inc. has set the bar high in the industry and I look forward to meeting the challenge ahead.”
In an industry rapidly evolving as this one, the thought leaders of tomorrow must be able to shift across multiple disciplines. With Hemp, Inc.’s industrial hemp educational infrastructure via The Hemp University, Hemp, Inc. has been teaching attendees the business and scientific aspects of industrial hemp, from how to grow it to CBD cannabinoids. Dr. Bruck’s appointment will help Hemp, Inc.’s Hemp University continue to chart the path. Approaching its 4th educational symposium on September 30, 2017, The Art & Science of CBD Oil will go into detail on how CBD works, how it is extracted, and how to sell it through all stages including the handling of important operational processes.
“This is new or unfamiliar territory to most people,” said Perlowin. “For example, Dr. Bruck was the first person who took a cannabis tissue sample to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture to be tested. This was a first for them. So you see, the high caliber of work being done by The Hemp University is of utmost importance to our industry. Attendees of our next educational symposium will get to experience it firsthand and learn from the best minds our industry has to offer. All of the previous educational symposiums have received rave reviews and have been ‘sold out’ events. That is why we are encouraging people to get their tickets early. We hate turning people away due to room constraints.”
Hemp, Inc. has made significant progress toward being the go-to vehicle America can use to re-establish itself as the number one hemp producer and exporter in the world, thus ensuring America's stability and prosperity. But it doesn’t stop there.
According to Rick Rainbolt, CEO of The Hemp University, LLC, Dr. Bruck and The Hemp University are in the early phases of working with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture to discover organic solutions to potential diseases that could be detrimental to the hemp plant. “Dr. Bruck, with The Hemp University, is essentially discovering what things can go wrong and how to ‘organically’ treat those potential threats. Organic is the key word here. Treating problems organically is very challenging. Chemically, it’s a simple solution but the problem with that is chemicals are toxic. Finding the right organic compounds that are non-toxic but effective enough to kill diseases and pests are what we are researching. Since this is new territory, there is no research on potential diseases, let alone organic solutions,” said Rainbolt.
“I, myself, could not have asked for a more effective leader and partner for The Hemp University than Dr. Bruck,” noted Perlowin. “He is highly respected by his colleagues and throughout the campus community. We are in deep gratitude Dr. Bruck has undertaken the role of Dean for The Hemp University.”
In the upcoming Hemp University educational symposium on September 30, 2017, Dr. Bruck will be speaking on the human pharmacology of cannabinoids and insects and diseases from the 2017 growing season. Perlowin will be speaking on bringing back the small family farm to the American landscape by using an economic approach of a farmer being able to earn $500,000 a year with growing and cloning hemp. There will be many more speakers with a main focus of this educational symposium being CBDs from the industrial hemp plant.
This section has been added to inform current and future Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) shareholders of some of the activities and updates that are occurring within the company.
Hemp, Inc. executives are currently negotiating large sales of LCMs (lost circulation materials) to oil companies on five continents including a US-based company that is interested in buying the entire productive capacity of the company’s LCMs and more. “If this deal comes to fruition, we will start running two, and then later three, shifts six days a week. We currently have 18,000,000 pounds of kenaf and hemp, in inventory, which translates into finished product that will be sold for $2 - $4 per pound. You can do the math,” said Perlowin.
“It is our intention, once Hemp, Inc. is generating a significant amount of revenue, to use 10% to 50% of that revenue to buy back Hemp, Inc. stock in the open marketplace as a mechanism to reduce the amount of outstanding shares. The Hemp University is our B-to-B (business to business) and B-to-C (business to consumer) marketing arm in which we expect to generate significant revenues through the selling of clones, seeds, mother plants, grow lights, B-to-B extractors, organic soil amendments and fertilizers and other items the farmers and entrepreneurs will need in order to participate in the billion dollar emerging industrial hemp industry,” continued Perlowin. The Hemp University will also sell consulting services to the hemp farmers and entrepreneurs. It has already signed over half a dozen consulting agreements to date and plans to expand the consultant agreements dramatically to fill a very necessary need and demand.
Hemp, Inc. also plans to build a large “Hemp House”, on 9 acres, as well as a large greenhouse.
Lastly, the mill has been operating continuously since it started on August 1, 2017, as has the extractor which came online August 15, 2017. Both of these divisions are now in the process of producing a large inventory of finished products prior to launching an aggressive sales and marketing campaign. The campaign is set to begin during the 4th quarter of 2017 and will increase dramatically during the 1st quarter of 2018. Sensational results are expected.
Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, on over 9 acres in Spring Hope, North Carolina, is the only one of this magnitude in North America. It is indeed bound to become the mecca of this new clean green agricultural and industrial American revolution. Based on a variety of factors, Perlowin believes North Carolina is strategically positioned to be the largest hemp producing state in America by 2018. Kentucky and West Virginia will join this industrial hemp hub along with Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia. Most of these states were historically considered the hemp hub of America and will be again this time next year.
To see the video of America's largest hemp processing facility and 60-foot silo installation, click here. To see the video of the largest hemp mill in the western hemisphere, click here. To see the Hemp, Inc. mill in operation and processing product, visit Bruce Perlowin's personal Facebook page and scroll down to August 10, 2017.
Aligned with Hemp, Inc.'s Triple Bottom Line approach, CEO Bruce Perlowin is exploring the possibilities of developing "Hemp Growing, CBD Producing Veteran Village Kins Communities" in North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky and several other states similar to the 500-acre demonstration community being built in Arizona. He currently has 4,500 acres (and counting) of land north of Kingman, Arizona where he's building a Veteran Village on 500 of those acres that would consist of 160 lots of 2 1/2 acre parcels for Kins Domains (eco-villages). Each parcel would grow 1 acre of hemp as well as having organic gardens, natural beehives, a pond, a living fence and other elements that make up a Kins Domain.
An additional 100 acres of hemp will be grown in each one of these 500-acre communities which will also include a 100,000 square-foot hemp (CBD) processing facility and a 10 acre holistic and learning center designed to treat and retrain veterans. The revenue from fifty of those acres is used to support that community. The revenue from the other fifty acres of hemp will be used to purchase 2 additional 500-acre parcels of land, thus keeping up with the needs of a large number of veterans that exist now and in the future. The eco-friendly "Veteran Village Kins Communities" were inspired by the book series, The Ringing Cedars of Russia (https://www.ringingcedars.com).
Perlowin has since found a way to incorporate it into Hemp, Inc.'s strategy of building hemp growing, CBD-producing "communities" or "villages." The first part of these "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is a "holistic healing and learning center" whose function in each community is to treat, train and re-train our veterans. The prototype Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona is expected to be completed by late 2017.
Perlowin has been personally creating the Arizona "Veteran Village Kins Community" since 2013 as a solution to America's multifaceted veteran problem. To date, forty-four percent of America's homeless are veterans. Twelve percent of that group are combat woman veterans with children. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. Two million veterans are on food stamps. As for the future, 238,000 veterans are leaving the armed services every year, according to Dannion Brinkley, Chairman of the Twilight Brigade.
From rehabilitation to job creation, Perlowin says this model presents a comprehensive holistic solution to those individuals that all Americans owe a great debt of gratitude toward the American veterans. Perlowin expects this model to produce very lucrative revenue for Hemp, Inc., the veterans themselves and the local communities these Kins Communities are built near. "The infrastructure for 'The Hemp Growing, CBD-Producing, Veteran-Village Kins Community,' which takes time to build, is already in place in Arizona. I've been building this infrastructure since 2013 and it can be duplicated for any state," says Perlowin.
To see a series of videos on what a Kins Domain is, visit http://www.kinsdomain.us/.
1) Industrial Hemp Apprentice Program -- September 4 through October 29, 2017 -- North Carolina
2) 4th Annual Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition -- September 13-15, 2017 -- California
3) The Hemp University -- September 30, 2017 -- North Carolina
4) Hempfest -- September 30, 2017 -- Arizona
5) Tiny Hemp Houses -- September 15-17, 2017 -- Colorado
6) HempX Asheville September 22-23, 2017 -- North Carolina
7) Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference -- September 24 - 27, 2017 -- California
8) Puerto Rico MedCann Biz -- October 5-6, 2017 -- Puerto Rico
9) Marijuana Business Conference and Expo -- November 14 - 17, 2017 -- Nevada
10) HHI Expo & Symposium 2017 MCEC Melbourne -- December 2-3, 2017 -- Australia
1) Industrial Hemp Apprentice Program -- One week programs from September 4 - October 29, 2017) Hempleton Investment Group, Inc., East Coast Genetics, LLC, The Hemp Farmacy, and NC Hemp will offer a one week apprentice program with hands on experience in all areas of the hemp industry. You will be spending time in each location and in each position through shadowing and actively participating with the leaders in the NC Hemp Industry. Agricultural Conversion model farm tours, getting your hands dirty, will allow you to curb the entry barriers to this industry. For the selected applicants, this opportunity presents a real look into the East Coast Cannabis industry. Dine with the managing partners and the CEO Justin Hamilton of Hempleton Investment Group. Program includes 7 days and 6 nights of lodging and 10-12 hour days, 4 Nights at the NC Hemp Farm Campus and 2 Nights in downtown Wilmington NC.
2) 4th Annual Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo (September 13-15, 2017 -- Los Angeles, California) This upcoming event will provide an open forum for the advancement and growth of the cannabis industry. This expo will create a dynamic marketplace filled with the best education, products, and resources. Aspiring cannabis entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, investors, equity partners, ancillary businesses, and agricultural opportunists that can profit from this nascent industry, should attend. To register, visit: https://r1.events-registration.com/CWCBELA2017/.
3) The Hemp University (September 30, 2017 -- North Carolina) This upcoming event will be held at Peachtree Hills Country Club, 3512 Peachtree Hills Road, Spring Hope, NC 27882. After lunch, attendees will move over to the Plant for the Live demonstration of the Industrial Supercritical CO2 Extraction system using North Carolina-grown CBD industrial hemp. This event is all about The Art and Science of CBD Oil. Presenters will discuss such topics as: how and why it works in your body; how it is extracted & processed; and, how to sell your oil and who to sell it to. Additional, farmers will be taught how to grow high CBD rich hemp, where to acquire clones and seeds to start growing in their greenhouses and grow rooms immediately as well as planting in their fields in April of 2018. The cost for this event will be $149 per attendee and $99 per guest for the early bird special. (One guest ticket per $149 ticket). This event earns 6 credits toward The Hemp University's official accreditation and certification program. For more information, contact Rick Rainbolt at 704-965-8935
4) Red Rock Hempfest (September 30, 2017 -- Arizona) The Red Rock Hempfest™ will feature talks and presentations from top industry leaders and will also have exhibitors showcasing industry-related products and services, including licensed Producers, Dispensaries, Nutrient companies, Hydroponics Manufacturers, Medical Clinics, Health and Wellness providers, live music, food, and more. The Red Rock Hempfest™ will take place at The Collective Sedona off AZ-179 in Sedona, AZ on September 30, 2017.
5) Tiny Hemp Houses (September 15-17, 2017 -- Colorado) Attendees will learn to build a Tiny Hemp House; Hemp/lime recipes, mixing and application; Study original Tiny Hemp House after 3 years; History and examples of hemp/lime structures; Fitting into the construction schedule; Cost and sourcing materials; Detailed information about framing, electrical and plumbing for hempcrete structures; Application methods and scaling up tools for larger projects; and, current opportunities in hemp building sector. For more information on Tiny Hemp Houses, click here.
6) HempX Asheville (September 22-23, 2017 in North Carolina) Since 2015, HempX Asheville has been bringing together farmers, artists, crafters, and entrepreneurs to explore the diverse opportunities in industrial hemp. Staged the last two years at Highland Brewing Company, this year the festival has a new home at Franny's Farm in Leceister, NC and will be held September 22-23rd. HempX Asheville focuses in on "hands on" workshops and experiences so each attendee will be introduced to the multiple applications and uses of industrial hemp. Franny & Jeff Tracy, owners of Franny's Farm, will be harvesting their two acres of hemp for fiber around festival time. So a walk to the hemp field, time on the hemp brake, pounding the pulp for paper, and using hemp yarns for weaving and blending, can bring the story of "from seed to plant to processing to product" to life. With the best vendors, self-guided eco tours, on-site camping, and live music to complement, there is no other hemp-centric experience like HempX Asheville in the South.
7) Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (September 24 - 27, 2017 in Anaheim, California) The conference objective is to prove the benefits of the dietary lifestyle through a review of current and progressive scientific research evidencing the preventive and disease fighting capabilities of whole food, plant-based nutrition. Geared toward medical doctors from a variety of specialty areas, as well as allied healthcare professionals, the information on plant-based nutrition will be presented with a commitment to intellectual integrity, without bias or influence.
8) Puerto Rico MedCann Biz (October 5-6, 2017 in Puerto Rico) Puerto Rico MedCann Biz is the interdisciplinary forum that gathers members, stakeholders, key policy players and patients of the medical cannabis industry in Puerto Rico. Designed to enable the future of the industry, this year the event will build upon the groundwork already made to promote medical research and education, professional development and innovation. Conference participants will gain valuable knowledge in the research and scientific progress surrounding medical cannabis worldwide. The conference will also address global and regional industry trends and provide up to date information related to regulatory framework, technology, agricultural and manufacturing practices, dispensaries and dosage processes, among others.
9) Marijuana Business Conference and Expo (November 14 - 17, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV) The Marijuana Business Conference and Expo is the largest gathering business community of mid-to-large wholesale growers, dispensaries and recreational retailers, infused product makers, ancillary companies ranging from grow technology to legal services, and, angels and VCs investing in privately-held firms. The conference highlights the latest advances and networking opportunities in the cannabis industry. MJBizCon, as it is referred to, has continued to set industry-wide attendance records and is by far the world's largest gathering of executives and exhibitors each and every season. The show continues to be curated by the editors of MJBizDaily, the industry's most trusted professional news service. The upcoming expo expects 3,500-4,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than a dozen nations including a large Canadian contingent.
10) HHI Expo & Symposium 2017 MCEC Melbourne (December 2-3, 2017 in Australia) The Hemp, Health & Innovation Expo Melbourne 2017 is taking place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, next to the Yarra River in South Wharf. Held over 2 days (December 2nd and 3rd 2017), this event will have something for everyone. Attendees will be able to look, feel, taste, and experience the excitement of a large number of exhibitors, showcasing everything from Hemp fibers, clothing, bedding, beauty and health products, medicinal hemp products, building materials, hydroponic equipment to supplies for industry and home hobbyists alike, innovative products and so much more. You'll also learn how to grow your own produce, even where space is limited, fresh and free of chemicals. Discover new and innovative products. For more information, visit http://www.hhiexpo.com.au/about.html.
To list your hemp event here, email events@hempinc.com.
The almost 1,000-member North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA) is a 501(c)(6) trade organization that represents all the stakeholders helping to build a thriving hemp industry in North Carolina. The NCIHA is responsible for the lobbying effort behind the passage of the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. Through education, dedication and fundraising, North Carolina can be accelerated to the forefront of global growth in Industrial and Medicinal Hemp. North Carolina can and should lead the country in cultivation, processing and support the consumption of hemp's many beneficial products. Hemp was, for almost 200 years, a legal and fundamental crop in North Carolina and should be again.
Visit www.ncindhemp.org for more information. To join the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association, click here.
Vote Hemp is a national, single-issue, nonprofit organization dedicated to the acceptance of and free market for industrial hemp, low-THC oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis, and to changes in current law to allow U.S. farmers to grow the crop. Our ultimate goal is having hemp grown on a commercial scale in the U.S. once again and for the crop to be able to be processed here as well. We educate people on the issues surrounding hemp, register voters, and build coalitions to fulfill our mission.
Vote Hemp is working to shift federal regulation of industrial hemp farming out of the hands of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and get hemp farming regulated on the state level. Vote Hemp also works to defend against any new laws, regulations or policies that would prohibit or restrict hemp commerce or imports. Vote Hemp is not a drug policy organization, nor do we take positions on drug policy issues other than the improper classification of hemp as a drug.
Visit www.VoteHemp.com for more information.
North Carolina: Editorial, "Here's Another way North Carolina is out-hustling Virginia" talks about North Carolina's top hemp advocate on "how this (industrial hemp) genetic offshoot of marijuana is such a versatile crop that farmers can make money three ways off the same plant -- the seeds can be used for food, the pods for nutritional supplements, the stalks used for fiber." "It's a no-brainer thing for farmers," Bob Crumley says." He talks about how growing hemp was once considered a patriotic act. In colonial times, farmers were required to plant a certain number of acres of hemp -- or pay higher taxes. The first drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. Betsy Ross's flag was made out of hemp. Hemp was the "America First" economic policy of its day, because the fibrous plant enabled the colonies to be self-reliant in everything from canvas for ships' sails to uniforms. Read the full editorial here.
Utah: A Utah agricultural board has given preliminary approval to a change in government rules that would allow farmers in the state to cultivate industrial hemp for research purposes. Farmers would be allowed to grow hemp that contains less than 0.03% THC under the Utah Department of Food and Agriculture's proposed rule. State research institutions such as Utah State University are already allowed to cultivate industrial hemp for research purposes as part of the 2014 federal Farm Bill, but the new rule would expand who's allowed to grow the plant, the Salt Lake Tribune reported. Read the full article here.
Nevada: Gov. Sandoval signed Senate Bill 375 and Senate Bill 396 recently, allowing Nevada's Native American tribal government to directly negotiate with the state over the use and sale of medicinal cannabis on tribal lands, and expanding the state's hemp cultivation program. According to the article, Gov. Sandoval also gave the proverbial green light by signing off on Senate Bill 396. The recently passed legislation creates an additional hemp program for Nevada's farmers. Per the bill, S.B. 396 establishes rules and regulations authorizing the growth and handling of industrial hemp for the production of cannabinoid-infused products.
Colorado: Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed off on Senate Bill 17-117, entitled "Recognize Industrial Hemp Agricultural Product for Agricultural Water Right," on May 21, 2017. This bill protects hemp farmers who use water stored in federal reservoirs. The bill was introduced in the state Legislature by Sen. Don Coram, and sponsored by Rep. Marc Catlin. Both are Montrose Republicans. Colorado legalized growing hemp in 2014, but it is still banned at the federal level, creating complications when water from a federal project is used to water it. Senate Bill 17-117 says Colorado water right holders have the right to use it on hemp if the person is registered by the state to grow hemp for commercial, or research purposes. During an interview with The Journal, Hickenlooper said the hemp water bill will give farmers some reassurance, and he was cautiously optimistic that it could become a good cash crop for the state.
"Concerning confirmation that industrial hemp is a recognized agricultural product for which a person with a water right decreed for agricultural use may use the water subject to the water right for industrial hemp cultivation. In Colorado, water subject to a water right may be used for the purpose for which the water is decreed. The bill confirms that a person with an absolute or conditional water right decreed for agricultural use may use the water subject to the water right for the growth or cultivation of industrial hemp if the person is registered by the department of agriculture to grow industrial hemp for commercial or research and development purposes."
For more detailed information on SB 17-117, visit www.leg.colorado.gov, by clicking here.
North Dakota: Chris Zenker, one of 35 farmers and growers who received a special license from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to grow industrial hemp for 2017, drove from Gackle to a farm just north of Carrington, North Dakota last week to pick up enough industrial hemp seed to plant 100 acres. According to Zenker, he is trying hemp as a way to introduce a different crop in the rotation and likes that it has the potential to be a cash crop. The seed from Gussiaas' farm received the largest of four shipments of industrial hemp seed, 64,000 pounds, that the North Dakota Department of Agriculture had shipped from Canada for distribution to farmers and growers approved to grow hemp in 2017. The state will receive a total of 84,250 pounds of industrial hemp seed this year with seed distributed in 50-pound bags. (visit full article on www.agweek.com)
Illinois: The Illinois Senate unanimously approved a measure, SB 1294, that would allow farmers to grow and sell industrial hemp, a strain of cannabis. But unlike marijuana, industrial hemp contains less than one percent of THC, and its fiber can be used to manufacture a variety of products. Pollitt says he estimates Illinois stands to gain an economic industry, including processing and transportation, that could outpace the state's pumpkin crop. Hemp advocates point to neighboring Kentucky, where more than 135 farms and 40 processors have enrolled in the state's pilot program that launched in 2016.
The Industrial Hemp Senate Bill 1294 was passed to the House on May 5, 2017. On May 31, 2017, final action for the House was extended to June 30, 2017. As of 7/6/2017, this Bill was re-referred to the Rules Committee.
West Virginia: In West Virginia, Governor Jim Justice signed House Bill 2453 which allows hemp to be grown for research purposes, to also allow hemp to be grown commercially. The proposal was passed by both the House and Senate unanimously. HB 2453 states that a person growing industrial hemp for commercial purposes shall apply to the commissioner for license on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The application for a license must include the name and address of the applicant and the legal description of the land area to be used for the production of industrial hemp.
Whether it's Alaska or Florida, North Carolina or Nevada, Hemp, Inc. is on the ground more often than not conducting business in those states. In Arizona, for example, Hemp, Inc. plans to grow up to 300 acres on a 500-acre Veteran Village Kins Community as soon as Arizona legalizes hemp, which we expect
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