Sept. 20, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where politicos are atwitter over President Trump's entering his ninth month in office with some tough love at the U.N. We've got the lowdown in Nile Gardiner's commentary and Fred Lucas' story. A fourth-generation cattle rancher tells Rachel del Guidice what tax reform means to family businesses. Plus: Lucas on how troops try to kick the habit, del Guidice on the latest GOP health care plan, Jarrett Stepman on suppressing speech on campus, and Walter Williams on what holds down black families.
"Farmers and ranchers are small business people, and so the importance of being able to pass on a family business to the next generation is intrinsic to our businesses [and] our goals," says Julie Ellingson.
The speech could not have been more different in style and substance than President Obama's weak-kneed and deferential approach in past speeches to the U.N.
The number of incidents on campus and "disinvitations" to conservative speakers is rapidly increasing.
"The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented," says President Donald Trump.
As the federal government continues to tackle smoking as a public health issue, some experts argue it should be more open to allowing electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco as valuable tools for those trying to kick the habit.
The bill would repeal both Obamacare's individual and employer mandates.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families. Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
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