Sens. Lee and Rubio: Families Must Come First for Tax Relief
WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today in response to tax plan released by the White House:
“It is clear from the release of the Big Six framework today that an enhanced child tax credit remains the best way to provide meaningful tax relief for working American families. We are very encouraged by the plan’s priority for a “significantly increased” child credit as its vehicle for this relief, and applaud the tax writers for this choice.
“Given the fundamental reforms of the framework, the child credit must be at least doubled in order to ensure working families get real tax relief. The child credit should also be applied to payroll tax liability in order to cut the taxes that working class families pay.
“Tax reform should focus on addressing the present-day challenges facing working families. We look forward to working with the Administration and tax writing committees to ensure that these families are first in line for tax relief.”
An online version of this release can be found here.