With October upon us, the thought was how did the summer go with City projects? Mayor Toby Mileski had this to say, “It has been a busy summer with our construction projects. Some are starting to wrap up and others will be starting soon. Our annual maintenance projects are still underway. Several roads have been roto-milled and overlaid with new asphalt, while some got a slurry coat, along with curb and gutter replacement. There still are several spots throughout the City where the road has failed; in those sections, the pavment will be cut out and replaced. Please give the crews the room they need to work. 4300 N. between 350 W and 500 W. is getting close to completion and should have asphalt soon making it a nice drive up to Wadman Park! Now that the temperature has started to drop, our City crew will be starting the fall crack sealing project. We ordered a semi-truck load of material, and it is my hope that the weather will cooperate and stay cool and clear so we can get the entire amount of material we have in stock on the streets. On another note, we have added an additional police officer to our force and he is hard at work. I have posted the police calls on my Blogspot for the months of June and July, if you are interested in taking a look.”
The mayor also commented on the gas line construction, “Tempest Construction recently called me the other day to let me know that they were done with the gas line installation on Pleasant View Drive, and the final patching would be done shortly. They also wanted to thank the City and the crew for their cooperation and understanding during the long project. During the course of construction I hosted the crew to a B-B-Q lunch at my office to say thanks for working with us.”
NEW from Mayor Toby Mileski ----
Pleasant View will soon be home to a Charter School on the North end of Highway 89 on the West side, just below where Pleasant View Dr intersects Highway 89.
As I have mentioned before, we have a new Gas Station/convenience store/restaurant/car wash coming to Pleasant View at the North West corner of 2700 N and Rulon White Bl. just in time since UDOT will be installing a median on 2700 N. from the Freeway all the way to Rulon White Bl. This business in cooperation with the City will be improving Rulon White Bl. to the North to the end of this property.
Since UDOT is moving ahead with the median on 2700 N. making Parkland Bl. a right in and right out only, we have many businesses in that industrial area that will be greatly impacted by the median. The City has been working diligently with CSM to expedite their development of the property behind their facility and build Rulon White Bl. all the way to the North and intersect Parkland Bl.
Several businesses have come it to start building in the City out in the Stone Field Business Park on the West side of Highway 89 out on the North end.
First we have TJF Heating
Next we have Blue Sun
Last it is Arnold Machinery, in case you need a fork lift, parts or service.
Pleasant View's Commercial Development Area (CDA) - Here is the map of our Commercial Development Area in a joint venture with Pleasant View City and Farr West City. It is approximately 80 acres, with Freeway access and visibility along with an improved access off 2700 N. (a UDOT road) by way of a new signalized intersection at the boarder between Pleasant View and Farr West. It is our hope that this will be a destination to attract retailer (sales tax generators) of all sizes and types, due to the excellent visibility, ease of access and location near the freeway to attract shoppers from up and down the I-15 corridor.
You will notice a large body of water just to the North of the orange area. This is a regional basin for Pleasant View, North Ogden, UDOT, Weber County, Harrisville and Ogden City which I would like to incorporate into the development and use it as some type of water feature.
These are just a few of things we have been work on for you
Mayor Toby Mileski
Our COMMUNITY students of the month are: Jace Campbell from Weber High School, Rachel Longhurst from North Ogden Junior High School, Abigail Frongner from Orion Junior High School and Angel Tally from Maria Montessori Academy. Congratulations for your excellent job in school! It has been stated that to choose only one student is one of the hardest things a teacher or school personnel has to do. This was sent in by one individual “Persistence is a quality that when seen is inspiring and stands out from the crowd; the story is irrelevant and the person rises to view. In a school setting, the crowd is larger and the individual is lost to the importance of the subject. Honoring one of the students is difficult when the setting is supposed to inspire the individual rather than the people.”
Angel Tally from Maria Montessori Academy: Angel Tally is a charismatic young man that shines as a leader among his peers through his persistence to be compassionate, protective and a good friend to his classmates. Confidence is not something that Angel lacks in his daily life or in his smiling interactions with other students and his family. He likes to play football, soccer, and go hunting or fishing. He is currently on the cross-country team and is an active member of the student government. Angel’s future goal is to go to college pursuing the subject of Bio-Chemical Engineering. Angel’s persistence has motivated him to excel in his studies and we are glad to honor his hard work as our student of the month at Maria Montessori Academy.
Jace Campbell is a senior at Weber High. He has lived in Pleasant View since he was 4. His teachers always reported that, “Jace is a great student who likes to talk.” He is funny, out-going and witty. He is always happy and willing to include anyone. Jace has had many opportunities to be a leader. Last spring, Jace was asked to help and compete in the Unified Track Meet with some friends from Weber and was happy they won a state championship. He is hoping it isn’t the only one. He is currently one of the captains on the Weber High football team where he and his teammates are working to bring a football championship to the school. Go Warriors! He also plays baseball at Weber and spent the summer traveling to different cities. He was also able to serve as one of the leaders at a stake MTC youth camp. He is an Eagle Scout, likes to play Xbox in his free time, and loves kids. The only time his phone is off is during the Patriots’ games. After high school, Jace plans to serve an LDS mission, pursue a career in broadcasting and continue to play anything with a ball as long as possible.
Abigail Frongner, or Abby, is a 7th grader at Orion Junior High. To some who first meet Abby they might say she is shy, but once she gets to know you, she is very fun and full of energy. There is always a little anxiety taking those first big steps into junior high. It didn’t take long for Abby to make that adjustment and to begin to feel right at home. She comes home each day with a big smile on her face and tells her little sister that, “Junior High is so much better than elementary school.” Abby loves all her classes and teachers. Her favorite class of all is orchestra. Abby started cello lessons this summer and has found it to be one of her favorite ways to relax and just have fun. Anyone who knows Abby would tell you what an amazing artist she is. She loves to create. From drawing, to sewing, to baking, or building- she never ceases to amaze her family and friends. Abby loves to go skiing and hiking and camping, or just hang out with her friends. She loves to do gymnastics and aerial skills. She loves cats and her family has said the two cannot be separated.
Rachel Longhurst is a freshman at North Ogden Jr High. She is on the honor roll and really loves school and learning. Her favorite thing about school is the social part—having and making new friends. One of her dreams is to go to cosmetology school during her high school years. When she’s not in school, she enjoys playing soccer and running. She is a really good at running long distances. Rachel loves fixing her friends' and sisters' hair. She does such a good job that her big sister’s friends request her help whenever there’s a dance. She’s even fixed hair for girls on their wedding day. She loves her dog, Adicus, shopping, and the colors blue and green. She is very good at playing the violin and ukulele. Rachel is a part of the Honor Society. This is a group that does a two hour service project every quarter. Her favorite service project was called “Try it night”. It was part of the Hope Week at NOJH. Students got to fight Mr. Simmons, go on a rock climbing wall, and play jump rope (the activity she helped with). It was lots of fun.