'Smoking gun' email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups from settlement funds
Source: Fox News
The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee claims he obtained a “smoking gun” email that proves the Obama Justice Department prevented settlement payouts from going to conservative-leaning organizations, even as liberal groups were awarded money and DOJ officials denied “picking and choosing” recipients.
Background Notes from Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch Sues Obama Justice Department for Records on Slush Funds for “Favored Groups”
Source: Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch filed suit against the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) to obtain information about a DOJ policy that directs large sums of cash settlements from DOJ Civil Rights Division discrimination lawsuits to organizations that are not officially connected to these lawsuits. "This policy effectively allows the Justice Department to use its vast resources to initiate baseless lawsuits and funnel huge financial rewards for its leftist allies, including potentially groups such as ACORN."
DOJ to Give Leftist Groups Cut of B of A Settlement
Source: Judicial Watch
The Department of Justice (DOJ) keeps giving radical leftist groups that support President Obama huge amounts of cash collected from big banks to settle discrimination and mortgage abuse lawsuits filed by the government. Judicial Watch first reported the scheme two years ago when Countrywide Financial Corporation doled out $335 million to settle. A chunk of the money went to Democrat-tied groups, including the open-borders National Council of La Raza (NCLR).
Judicial Watch Sues Over Forcing Corporations to Fund Leftist Groups
Source: Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records relating to an Obama administration policy of settling agency lawsuits against corporate defendants by requiring that the corporations make “donations” to left-wing interest groups La Raza, the Urban League and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.
Since Intermountain community pharmacies installed the medication disposal drop boxes, more than 15,000 pounds of unused medications have been disposed of
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, USA, October 27, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- National Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, October 28, and citizens across the country are encouraged to take all unwanted medication to either a police station or a designated medication disposal site to ensure their medication is safely disposed.
Intermountain Healthcare’s community pharmacies in Utah offer safe, secure, and anonymous medication disposal bins throughout the year in collaboration with Use Only As Directed. Anyone can come to an Intermountain community pharmacy to dispose of unwanted medication, get helpful information on medication safety, and purchase a naloxone kit to use in case of opioid overdoses.
Since Intermountain community pharmacies installed the medication disposal drop boxes in 2015, more than 15,000 pounds of unused medications have been disposed of.
An average of 142 Americans die from opioid overdoses every day, with a prescription opioid being involved in nearly half of opioid related deaths. President Trump has declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency.
Providing medication disposal bins is one step Intermountain Healthcare is taking to decrease opioid related deaths. "The opioid crisis affects all of us," said David Hasleton, MD, Intermountain associate chief medical officer. "I have family members and very close friends who have been affected. We all benefit if there are fewer opioids left in medicine cabinets."
Some reasons to properly dispose of unwanted medications at a designated disposal site:
• Keeping unused medications in your home can increase risk of theft.
• Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold.
• Flushing medication down the toilet can affect groundwater.
To locate the nearest Intermountain drop box, visit the Intermountain Community Pharmacies website. Intermountain community pharmacy caregivers are also available to provide education about medications to prevent medication misuse. For more information about opioid safety, visit UseOnlyAsDirected.org.
Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based not-for-profit system of 22 hospitals, 180 clinics, a Medical Group with about 1,500 employed physicians and advanced practitioners, a health plans group called SelectHealth, and other medical services. Intermountain is widely recognized as a leader in transforming healthcare through high quality and sustainable costs. For more information, visit www.intermountainhealthcare.org.
: Secretary Perdue to Swear-In Greg Ibach in Omaha, Nebraska
(Washington, D.C., October 27, 2017) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue will travel to Omaha, Nebraska MONDAY, October 30th to swear-in Greg Ibach as Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs and hold a media availability with Mr. Ibach and elected officials. Mr. Ibach was unanimously confirmed to this post by the U.S. Senate on Thursday, October 26th.
Secretary Perdue Leads Swearing-in Ceremony and Media Availability
WHAT: Secretary Perdue will swear-in Mr. Ibach and hold a media availability with elected officials.
WHEN: MONDAY, October 30th at 8:00 a.m. CDT
WHERE: South Ballroom – 10th Floor of the Livestock Exchange Building. 4920 South 30th Street, Omaha, NE 68107
*NOTE: Media interested in covering the swearing-in ceremony and/or participating in the media availability must RSVP to press@oc.usda.gov by 7:00 a.m. EDT MONDAY, October 30th.