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With November being National Diabetes Awareness Month and Americans collectively spending nearly $200 billion per year on obesity-related health costs, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2017's Fattest States in America, along with interesting stats about diabetes in its Facts & Statistics infographic.
To determine which states contribute the most to America’s overweight and obesity problem, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 19 key metrics. They range from share of overweight and obese population to sugary-beverage consumption among adolescents to obesity-related health care costs.
Here are some highlights from each report:
20 Fattest States
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
North Dakota
New Mexico
To view the full report and your state or the District’s rank, please visit:
Diabetes Facts & Statistics
For the full infographic, please visit:
ADVISORY: Secretary Perdue Honors USDA Veterans TOMORROW
(WASHINGTON, D.C., November 7, 2017) – In honor of Veterans Day, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue will recognize the contributions of veterans serving throughout USDA TOMORROW, Wednesday, November 8th at 11:00 a.m. ET at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Additionally, he will highlight upcoming USDA resources for veterans. The Secretary will hold a press gaggle immediately following the observance. The event will also be livestreamed on Facebook HERE.
Secretary Perdue Honors USDA Veterans
WHAT: USDA Veterans Day observance with a press gaggle immediately following.
WHEN: TOMORROW, Wednesday, November 8th, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET
WHERE: USDA Patio of the Jamie L. Whitten Building, 1400 Jefferson Drive, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024
*NOTE: Media interested in attending must RSVP to by 6:00 p.m. ET TODAY, Tuesday, November 7th.
Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007
What is worse sexual harassment, sexual abuse and rape or the wide-scale cover-ups of sexual abuse and rapes?
It is time that all people involved in sexual harassment, sexual assaults, rapes and the cover-ups of these acts to be publicly shamed and held accountable both civilly and criminally.”
— Michael Carey
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 7, 2017 / -- We are at a tipping point of some levels of societal reformation and the sexual harassment, sexual abuse and rape topic is all over the national news every day. So let’s look at the big picture and not just focus in on one aspect of this evil alone. It is important to stress this for what it really is; this is evil that we are dealing with that has been kept in the dark for far too long. It is time that all people involved in sexual harassment, sexual assaults, rapes and the cover-ups of these acts to be publicly shamed and held accountable both civilly and criminally.
Sexual harassment, sexual abuse and rape against anyone is a devastating violation against them, it is a fact. Most forms of this sexual abuse is obviously illegal, there should not be any statute of limitations. The second side of this dark coin is the people that enable this type of horrific behavior in any way or are part of covering it up to protect the sexual perpetrators. These people are just as guilty and in many cases guiltier because they allow it to stay in the dark and to continue. Let’s all remember Mr. Sandusky and the people that looked the other way at Penn State. According to Wikipedia, the criminal charges were; Involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, indecent assault, criminal intent to commit indecent assault, corruption of minors and endangering the welfare of children.
The allegations just keep surfacing against Harvey Weinstein and thank God that many other women are coming forward. Thankfully, in the midst of everything many other men are being implicated as well. I will not mince words in anyway, it is critically important that the truth comes out now regarding another secret that many people in authority that are tied in and involved do not want to come to light which is the massive cover-ups of sexual assaults and rapes within State and private mental health facilities and group homes. Imagine if you are women suffering a devastating trauma or loss in your life and you are struggling emotionally and in need of some temporary mental health treatment and those employed rape you. Now you are further damaged as a direct result. What about if this person was caught many times, but was protected and shielded by the State and the Union? I am interjecting another part to this sexual abuse culture that also needs to come out now for the well being of many innocent women, children and men in extreme danger, right now.
My name is Michael Carey and as the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation, I advocate for the safety, protections and equal rights of this extremely vulnerable group of people. Do not let this window of time pass without addressing the entire culture of sexual abuse and cover-ups. Let this be the time that major reforms genuinely occur across the board and let’s remove all the bad apples on every level.
My personal expertise surrounds New York State’s mental health care system that is rampant with sexual abuse, rapes and cover-ups. It is a simple fact and I will explain why this is going on to such extreme levels. When employees and direct care workers do not have to go through a federal criminal background check or an in depth employment background check, practically any rapist or pedophile can easily be hired in New York State’s system. It is probably the exact same in most, if not all, other States as well. When you do not have sufficient staffing levels and surveillance cameras, sexual predators can literally do anything they want. One pedophile and former New York State employed caregiver that was caught in a federal porn sting said of New York’s system “it was a predators dream” . Here is the direct quote from this AP News story written by David Klepper
“New York State is paying $3 million to the family of developmentally disabled boy repeatedly molested by a staffer at a state-run group home who later wrote that lax supervision at the facility made it "a predator's dream."
It is Governor Andrew Cuomo that attempted to spin a massive problem of physical and sexual abuse occurring within his mental health agencies into something different following the award winning New York Times “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series which was a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize . Governor Cuomo took decisive actions to shut down all independent legal entities that could advocate for and try to protect the disabled, fully understanding the grave dangers . In this enlightening NY Times piece from this extremely powerful series, a man named Ricky Sousie was caught in the sex act and was simply shuffled to another group home. It is Governor Cuomo who directed all calls of sexual abuse, which are crimes, to go to his own corrupt abuse hotline, wrongfully called the Justice Center. To keep these crimes from going to 911 call systems throughout New York State is simply to prevent police and emergency medical personnel from being able to immediately respond to rapes. It is Governor Cuomo that directed his top officials to make most of these crimes completely disappear on paper to protect the State from lawsuits, but also dangerous facilities from being shut down or defunded by the federal government. It is Governor Cuomo that just secretly promoted Jay Kiyonaga, who headed up this corrupt abuse hotline after numerous requests for his firing and allegation of sexual harassment.
So that everyone everywhere knows the scope of sexual abuse that is going on within the NYS Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) which now Mr. Kiyonaga is a Deputy Commissioner of, it is approximately 325 reported cases of sexual assault every three months or 1,300 a year. It is critical that you understand that according to a very reputable study up on the State of Massachusetts website called “Prevalence of Violence” you will see that only 3% of sexual abuse of the developmentally disabled will ever be reported Do the math - multiply 1,300 times 33 to get the approximate real numbers which statistically would be 42,900 in a system of 126,000 developmentally disabled children and adults. Another way to look at these horror and astronomical atrocities is that approximately one third of the people with developmental disabilities will be sexually assaulted once every year. Governor Cuomo has taken no significant actions to stop or prevent any of these sex crimes or cover-ups.
Governor Andrew Cuomo has known about these horrors all along as the governor and long before, it was brought to his and his top staff’s attention when he was the Attorney General. Both Mylan Denerstein and Alphonso David were thoroughly briefed by Michael Carey with extensive documents and they along with Attorney General Cuomo did nothing to stop any of the sexual assaults, rapes or cover-ups. It is now a felony to knowingly do anything likely to be injurious to an incompetent or physically disabled person because of Jonathan Carey’s tragic death and Michal Carey’s hard work. Governor Cuomo, Mylan Denerstein, Alphonso David, Jay Kiyonaga, James Introne, Courtney Burke, Paul Francis, Kerry Delaney and many others that I am alleging to be involved in the cover-ups of most sex crimes and rapes of the disabled have escaped justice, but they must be held accountable now.
No longer can 911 and local police be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual abuse and rapes. If you agree please go to the Jonathan Carey Foundation website and sign 911 Petition and please consider helping us with a donation to help us in this incredibly important Civil Rights Movement.
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here