We’ve spent hours diving into the plan and are encouraged that the core of the plan will help spark economic growth and lower taxes for millions trying to achieve the American dream.
But unfortunately enemies of the tax bill are already lining up to attack it. The moment the bill was released thousands of special interest lobbying groups descended on Capitol Hill, trying to protect their cronyism.
The goal of this tax reform effort is to simplify the tax code, make it work for every American family and spur economic growth. In order to achieve this we must stand strong to ensure the final tax reform bill doesn’t get watered down by K-Street lobbyists trying to get their one special carve out put back into the bill.
>>>>Make the call to Congress today
The GOP proposal is a solid step toward economic growth and lower taxes for American families -- however there are some things that we believe would strengthen the bill.
You can help make the bill even stronger than it already is by asking your Congressman to improve it in two ways:
Make the call to your Representative today.
Emo Nite Day Lineup Announced
Live Performances
The Used, Machine Gun Kelly,
Tigers Jaw, Craig Owens (Chiodos), Finch, Aaron Gillespie (Underoath + The Almost), Frank Zummo (Sum 41), Mom Jeans,
Teenage Wrist, DALES, Doll Skin,
I Don't Know How But They Found Me
Gothboiclique, Lil Aaron, Lil Lotus, Smrtdeath, Familypet, Shinigami, Lil Zubin,
KA5SH, Hot Leather and Saphir
DJ Sets
Preston, From First To Last,
Vic Fuentes (Pierce the Veil),
William Beckett (The Academy Is),
Fil Thorpe-Evans (Neck Deep),
Travis Mills, Captain Cuts + Special Guests,
Ham On Everything, Noah Shipwreck,
With Confidence and Brandon Wardell
December 3, 2017 - Shrine Expo Hall & Grounds - ALL AGES
Tickets On Sale Now at http://emoniteday.com/
November 8th, 2017 - Los Angeles, CA - In celebration of their 3-Year Anniversary, with partnership from Goldenvoice, Emo Nite LA has announced their most diverse and massive lineup to date for the upcoming Emo Nite Day. Featuring Live Performances from The Used, Machine Gun Kelly, Tigers Jaw, Craig Owens (Chiodos), Finch, Aaron Gillespie (Underoath + The Almost), Frank Zummo (Sum 41), Mom Jeans, Teenage Wrist, DALES, Doll Skin, I Don't Know How But They Found Me, Gothboiclique, Lil Aaron, Lil Lotus, Smrtdeath, Familypet, Shinigami, Lil Zubin, KA5SH, Hot Leather and Saphir, DJ sets from Preston, From First To Last, Vic Fuentes (Pierce the Veil), William Beckett (The Academy Is), Fil Thorpe-Evans (Neck Deep), Travis Mills, Captain Cuts + Special Guests, Ham On Everything, Noah Shipwreck, With Confidence and Brandon Wardell and other special surprise appearances, this is truly going to be a day unlike any other.
Taking over Shrine Expo Hall & Grounds in Los Angeles, CA on December 3rd, 2017, this All-Ages event will bring together every element that Emo Nite fans love including the above performances across multiple stages, art installations, food trucks and more. Tickets are on sale now at http://emoniteday.com/.
The Emo Nite LA founders recently premiered the short documentary "Every Nite is Emo Nite" exclusively with Paper Magazine. The film was directed by Anderson Wright and features three individuals that are central figures in their city's frequent events -- Rocky, Dante and Brittany. Although these three live in different states, have extremely different backgrounds and current careers, they all have found a home in their respective Emo Nites that have become a mainstay in cities like Portland, Baltimore, San Francisco, Seattle, Phoenix and of course, Los Angeles. Brittany spoke to why Emo Nite was important to her, sharing"The music comes on, and everyone is equal."The documentary and exclusive interview with the Director are available here.
Emo Nite LA is an event started by three friends (Babs Szabo, T.J. Petracca and Morgan Freed) that brings together people who share the love of emo rock music from the 90's, 2000's, and today. Different notable artists and musicians from all genres that have been inspired by emo and pop punk music have either DJ'd or performed at the events. Emo Nite has been featured in outlets like MTV, Teen Vogue, Consequence of Sound, Forbes, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, LA Times, Billboard, LA Weekly, Time Out LA, Alternative Press, FUSE, HelloGiggles KERRANG! and talked about on the Grammy's Red Carpet.
These events continue to be a home for fans, musicians, actors and everyone in between. The environment created by Babs, T.J. and Morgan provides a space for anyone that has been impacted and influenced by Emo music to come together and celebrate that commonality.
Upcoming Tour Dates
November 10November 10November 15November 24November 28November 28
December 3 - Los Angeles, CA - Shrine Expo Hall & Grounds
December 21
For updates, please visit:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emonitela
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emonitela
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emonitela/
Merchandise: http://emonite.com
Podcast: http://rideorcry.com/podcast
Contact: Elizabeth Milito, Senior Executive Counsel, NFIB Small Business Legal Center, 202-445-9111 cell; 202-406-4443 office; elizabeth.milito@nfib.org or Tony Malandra, Senior Media Manager, 415-640-5156, anthony.malandra@nfib.org
Holiday Party Warnings from NFIB
Avoid legal hangovers, advises Legal Center for America’s largest small-business association
WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 8, 2017—The holiday party season is here, and the Small Business Legal Center at the National Federation of Independent Business is advising its members to keep celebrations safe by watching out for two problem areas – drunk driving and harassment.
Drunk Driving
An increasing number of states require employers to exercise reasonable care to prevent injuries by intoxicated employees leaving holiday parties. To minimize the risk of liability an employer should do the following:
Socializing, alcohol, and mistletoe combine to create an environment that can lead to sexual harassment or fighting. Just because it’s a holiday party doesn’t mean you can’t be liable for what happens as an employer. Employee lawsuits can result from voluntary events held outside the office and outside normal work hours.
A two-minute video with more information can be seen here.
NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 state capitals. Founded in 1943 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIB’s powerful network of grassroots activists send their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting America’s free enterprise system. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. More information is available online at www.NFIB.com/newsroom.