Nov. 15, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where Senate Republicans propose to repeal Obamacare's individual mandate as part of tax reform. Rachel del Guidice reports and Heritage Foundation experts comment. Attorney General Jeff Sessions tells a House panel that he won't be rushed into appointing an independent prosecutor to probe the Hillary Clinton scandals. Fred Lucas covers the action. Ed Meese vouches for the strength of a Trump nominee to an appeals court. Plus: Rachel Greszler on making it easier to file tax returns, and Walter Williams on liberals' betrayal of black Americans.
Republicans are calling for a special counsel to look into the Uranium One deal, the Clinton campaign's funding of the "Trump dossier," and unanswered questions about the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server.
According to the most recent IRS reports, 23.2 million tax filers paid the fine, obtained an exception, or simply ignored the individual mandate.
As the lead lawyer in Hobby Lobby's challenge to the Obamacare contraceptive mandate, Kyle Duncan secured a big victory for religious freedom at the U.S. Supreme Court.
The proposed tax plans would cut the number of taxpayers who itemize by more than half, saving millions of Americans the hassle of keeping track of and itemizing their deductions.
"Repealing the individual mandate is good policy and good politics. It is one of the most unpopular parts of Obamacare," says Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
It was a small sentence—"I will pray for you"—but it meant big trouble for Cony High School technician Toni Richardson.
President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency paid $1.5 million for employee parking spaces, many of which went to the highly paid upper management or were unused.
Many black parents want better and safer schools for their children. But black politicians and civil rights organizations fight tooth and nail against charter schools and education vouchers.
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