Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007
Publicly giving thanks for Jonathan, an amazing boy, a bright shining light for people with disabilities and for everyone, he is a hero and a champion
Remember Jonathan and always remember all of his friends, especially everyone with disabilities and their families that need our help in many ways. Thank you.”
— Michael Carey
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 23, 2017 / -- It is Thanksgiving and we miss Jonathan, I awoke this morning with the thoughts and memories of the words spoken over Jonathan’s life a number of times by different people, even those that we did not know. We must have heard these identical words, five or six times over the years when we brought Jonathan forward in church services for prayer, “Jonathan’s life is for the Glory of God.”
Jonathan Michael Carey was born on September 12, 1993 and is Michael and Lisa Carey’s first born son. Jonathan’s name means “a gift from God” and he certainly is exactly that, he is an amazing gift from God. Jonathan lives with God now in heaven; this is why we miss him so much. It is important to tell a little of his story and why his life although cut short at the age of 13 has touched so many and will continue to touch millions of people all over the world.
Jonathan beamed with joy and stood out as a little baby, of course I was bias, but it is true, there was something about him, he was special and he shined. Jonathan was not reaching certain development skills and doctors started to show concerns about Jonathan not walking or talking yet, and then we received the news, “Jonathan is mentally retarded.” The diagnose now would be “developmentally disabled.” Of course it was a shock at first, but it did not matter to me, Jonathan’s dad, I could not be more proud of my precious son.
At six years old Jonathan was also diagnosed with autism. Jonathan was walking fine, but his speech never developed for reasons we do not know. Although Jonathan was primarily non verbal, he was able to speak a few things here and there and my favorite was “Daddy.” Jonathan had this one other short sentence that he miraculously could say and he would say it over and over again repetitively, “Where you going?” Jonathan would say this over and over and really quickly, “Where you going?”- “Where you going?” - “Where you going?” Think about these words for a moment, as if Jonathan was asking you this question himself.
I believe Jonathan was sent from God as a messenger to us all. These words are amazing and speak volumes and these three short words can profoundly change our lives for the good or not for the good, if we ignore this question. I can and must tell you now that Jonathan knew God as a child intimately; he was drawn to the Jesus film as a very young child, this is an amazing film of the life of Jesus according to the book of Luke in the Bible. This film is used for evangelistic outreaches all over the world and this movie helps people make the decision to accept Jesus as their savior and their Lord in a spiritual way into them personally. Written on Jonathan’s tombstone are these words from a portion of the Holy Scriptures from the book of Romans Chapter 6 verse 23 which says “ …the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The whole verse from the Bible is, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Let Jonathan’s three short words, “Where you going?” speak to you. The big question to us all is regarding eternal life and heaven, but also let them speak for the course that you are going in now in your life. Have you accepted the free gift of eternal life that only comes by freely receiving Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord? The Scriptures tell us that we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. God, our Father, made a way for us all to be redeemed to him, for us to have an amazing relationship with him, not for us to be religious and hypocritical. So –“where are you going?”
This press release took a different course than what I originally sat down to write. I did not know, so I have believe that many reading this today on Thanksgiving or any day in the future need to hear what is being said. Always remember Jonathan and that his name means a gift from God. One more really important name that I must shout from the rooftops is the one and only name by which man can be saved and that name is Jesus. Jesus is Lord. The name of Jesus translated into Hebrew is Yahushua and in His name, just like Jonathan’s, has a special meaning, Yahushua means – “Gods salvation.” – it is who He is! Don’t let anyone trick you or deceive you in anyway, God loves you, and you must understand that you cannot earn your way to Him or to heaven; He is the gift of eternal life. You simply receive a gift, in this case the greatest gift you could ever receive, the gift of eternal life. If you want eternal life, then open the door of your life, receive His mercy and pardon for all of your sins and surrender all control -receive Yahushua/Jesus in freely and enjoy eternal life now and forever. I gave all of my heart, soul, mind and strength, everything to the Lord Jesus or Yahushua over 26 years ago, this is my understanding of loving Him as He loves me.
I had a powerful dream from God just before Jonathan was tragically killed by his caregivers while he was living in a New York State residential facility in Schenectady, New York on February 15th of 2007. Jonathan, as a young boy, was sitting in a court room testimony box with an old fashioned cone-shaped mega phone held up to his mouth. Written down the side of this megaphone was the word –RIGHTEOUSNESS. I awoke and said to my beautiful wife Lisa, “God is going to use Jonathan to speak loud and clear and testify for RIGHTEOUSNESS.” We did not know or understand that within a very short time that Jonathan would be taken from us or that he would be killed. I want everyone to know that Jonathan is safe, that he is enjoying heaven and that everything Jonathan went through here was ultimately to help many people and I believe ultimately many millions of people with disabilities and their families all over the world.
Jonathan suffered greatly; he was harmed on multiple occasions, he was abused and neglected by people that were supposed to care for him with love and respect. Jonathan was suffocated to death and it was not just the two men in the van that horrible night that were only to blame. When a system is set up to financially exploit people with disabilities and not to provide the best of best services and care something is horribly wrong. Almost all of the most basic safety and abuse prevention measures that you would think are in place to ensure safe care are not in place. The end results are that practically anything can happen, and believe me, many horrible things are happening in New York State’s extremely dangerous and deadly mental health care system. I am an expert in this area and thankfully have been able to get some basic changes, Jonathan’s Law and a changing the penalty from a misdemeanor to a felony for anyone that harms a person with a disability. The travesty is though, is that 7,800 calls on average every month go into an internal abuse hotline for the disabled run by the State of New York. Almost everything is purposefully kept from the 911 call systems, local police and all local authorities, including the District Attorney and Medical Examiners. As 11-13 children and adults with disabilities are dying every day in New York’s system, nothing significant is being done to stop these atrocities. People with disabilities are precious, they are equally valuable residents and citizens and tragically we must still have to fight for them to actually obtain their equal rights to even 911 emergency medical and police services and swift assistance. This is crazy; it is ludicrous that some of our most vulnerable would be denied equal access to immediate 911 services. This is for Jonathan’s friends now, for those that are still alive. We must together do everything possible to help those that cannot care for themselves, those that cannot speak and for everyone that cannot defend themselves.
Please simply do what God puts in your heart to do and please help us to continue to be a strong voice for RIGHTEOUSNESS. We corporately can bring about vital lifesaving and discrimination ending changes. No longer can 911 and local police be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual abuse, rapes, physical assaults, significant injuries, as well as obviously all other crimes, medical emergencies and deaths. Currently, in New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has directed these crimes, including all deaths, to be internally reported to another one of his agencies where almost everything disappears, they are covered-up. The corruption and fraud surrounding the insufficient and horrible care of people with disabilities within New York State cannot continue.
I am compelled to honor my son Jonathan today on Thanksgiving and I cannot ever thank Jesus enough for the time we had together here. I look forward to seeing Jonathan again and enjoying the fullness of God’s glory with him in heaven. The words prophetically spoken over Jonathan’s life many times are true, “Jonathan’s life is for the Glory of God!”
Remember Jonathan and always remember all of his friends, especially everyone with disabilities and their families that need our help in many ways. Thank you.
Please donate and help us by supporting this vital Civil Rights Movement.
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers
JW President Tom Fitton: There's a PILE of Allegations Against Hillary Clinton
Why Clinton Needs to be Investigated
JW President Tom Fitton on the Sexual Harassment Scandals in Congress
Inside Judicial Watch
The Latest Clinton Scandals in Review
In The News
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Still Silent About Flights On Pedophile’s Sex Plane
(The Daily Caller) Former President Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which reportedly offered underage girls to passengers to rape.
Fox News wrote in 2016 that the Lolita Express, a Boeing 727 jet, was “reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.”
Clinton flew on some trips where the flight logs showed only the first names of female passengers.
The Daily Caller News Foundation contacted the Clinton Presidential Library last week to obtain information about the former president’s relationship with billionaire Epstein, who in 2008 was convicted of soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.
Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015 before the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to obtain records of all Secret Service expenses incurred to provide “security and or/other services” to former President Bill Clinton during his trips with Epstein.
6 Key Elements in Understanding the Tangled Uranium One Scandal
(The Daily Signal) Two House committees are investigating the tangled deal involving Russia, its acquiring of U.S. uranium, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. But the multiple layers that lawmakers, and potentially a special counsel, will explore take some unpacking.
The probe addresses unanswered questions about the Uranium One mining company’s ties to the Clinton Foundation, the nonprofit founded by the former president, during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.
“There was a criminal investigation related to Uranium One already and it seems because of political considerations, it was kept from the American people,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog, told The Daily Signal.
“Uranium One is just the tip of the iceberg regarding foreign money when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state,” Fitton said in a phone interview. “With the information about the [Clinton] foundation and the State Department, there is easily enough to form the basis for a criminal investigation.”
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Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007
As the national Spotlight is on sexual predators being exposed, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s scheme to protect people that prey on the disabled must come to light
Governor Cuomo must resign and be held accountable for what are likened to war crimes; the scope of these horrors is that bad.”
— Michael Carey
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 25, 2017 / -- I cannot remain silent, the sexual atrocities and criminal cover-ups continue in New York State’s mental health care system as the national news at this point centers in on high profile predators. Women and children, boys and girls, are being raped and sexually assaulted all of the time in a known extremely dangerous New York State mental health system, similar to the Catholic Church, and nothing significant is being done to stop most of these preventable horrors. How can anyone look the other way? How can the former Attorney General and now Governor of New York State look the other way for over ten years?
How far have we fallen as a society? This evil must be stopped, federal law, US Code 42 Section 15009, says all State and federal money for people with disabilities is only to go to programs that are free from abuse and neglect, free from sexual exploitation, free from financial exploitation and free from human rights violations. New York State is guilty of violating every single one of these without question in one form or another. So let’s follow the money and the violations of federal law;
• Billions of federal tax dollars come into New York State annually that is supposed to provide safe and excellent care for our most vulnerable, but most of the money is misappropriated. Politically connected people and entities are stealing most of the money that is supposed to go to providing safe services for the disabled (Medicaid fraud). People with disabilities within New York’s system operated by Governor Andrew Cuomo are being financially exploited.
• New York States mental health care system which is totally controlled by Governor Andrew Cuomo is rampant with physical and sexual abuse, neglect and death. Nothing significant has been done by Governor Cuomo to stop or prevent these criminal activities since they were exposed by the New York Times throughout 2011. Even this massive exposé didn’t deter Cuomo and his cover-up scheme -
• New York State’s system protects and shields most pedophiles and sexual predators from firing and from criminal prosecution allowing them to violate and rape disabled children and women anytime they like, this is sexual exploitation.
• These are not only human rights violations, these are human rights atrocities
We need to clean house starting at the top. We need to change this culture of protecting pedophiles and sexual predators and remove all of them from being able to further harm and rape other innocent victims. We must root out and remove everyone involved in covering up these most heinous sex crimes and in New York State, we must start with Governor Andrew Cuomo, he is he kingpin of this corruption. For over ten years, Michael Carey, as the Founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation has done everything imaginable to try to convince Attorney General Cuomo and then Governor Andrew Cuomo to stop these sexual atrocities and crimes- to stop the horrific and astronomical cover-ups of these heinous crimes to no avail.
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health agencies remain rampant with sexual abuse, they are grossly and incompetently run, they are animal houses. Just below you will read of just one of the very powerful examples among many thousands. Pedophiles and sexual predators thrive within Cuomo’s mental health agencies and below are words from one of those pedophiles.
Always remember these words spoken from a convicted pedophile of Governor Cuomo’s system; he called it “a predators dream.”
The pedophile and former New York State employed caregiver that was eventually caught in a federal porn sting, called New York’s system controlled by Governor Andrew Cuomo “a predator’s dream”
Here is the direct quote from this AP News story written by David Klepper;
“New York State is paying $3 million to the family of developmentally disabled boy repeatedly molested by a staffer at a state-run group home who later wrote that lax supervision at the facility made it "a predator's dream."
Here are some of these reasons these sex crimes continue and why pedophiles and sexual predators escape justice and can literally do whatever they want with whoever they want in Cuomo’s New York State’s mental health care system;
• Incompetent and completely insufficient background checks that allow sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists, even those with known histories to be easily hired in the system
• Purposeful under-staffing of direct care workers and supervisors, especially on evening and night shifts when most of these heinous sex crimes occur
• The absence of surveillance cameras to deter these crimes from happening and to catch these sexual predators
• Untrained and improperly vetted male direct caregivers allowed to bath women and little children alone
• Untrained and improperly vetted male direct caregivers allowed to transport women and little children alone in vans with darkened windows with no surveillance cameras
• Untrained and improperly vetted male direct caregivers allowed to do female personal hygiene, Peri-care, on women and young girls alone
• Incompetent management personnel that are grossly over-paid that are willing to do anything to keep their lucrative jobs. Most management staff compromise their own conscience and commit even greater crimes to protect themselves from losing their job and in doing so protect dangerous sexual predators and rapists of vulnerable people under their care
• Staff are trained to report sex crimes internal to Cuomo’s abuse hotline for the disabled, instead of to report these crimes to 911 so local police and emergency medical personnel cannot respond. These practices are without question – discrimination in civil rights per Section 11 of the NYS Constitution under Article 1 of the Bill of Rights. Also, the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution is being regularly violated by denying upwards of 1,000,000 New Yorkers with disabilities equal protection of laws when they are victims of sex crimes. Keeping most of these sex crimes from local police, from proper criminal investigations and County elected District Attorney’s is not only unconstitutional, but illegal- it is Obstruction of Justice.
• Keeping evidence of sex crimes from authorities and falsifying internal reports at Cuomo’s fraudulent Justice Center and within Cuomo’s mental health agencies is occurring regularly. Governor Andrew Cuomo has refused to order the cessation of all of these illegal activities, but instead continues to be actively involved in the cover-ups.
The New York Times blasted and exposed Governor Cuomo for looking the other way after their award winning “Abuse and Used” investigative reporting series which was a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize Governor Cuomo has ignored Michael Carey, the Jonathan Carey Foundation and the New York Times Editorial Boards call for repentance for many years. This is what the New York Times Editorial Board said over 4 years ago;
“Two-and-a-half years ago, The Times reported horrifying abuse of people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses by state employees, who were rarely punished for it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised action. But too little appears to have changed.”
“There is much the governor could do. He could require surveillance cameras in these facilities, just as prisons have them. He could make sure that the police get more involved.”
Governor Cuomo told Michael Carey in a May 2012 meeting that he wanted cameras, but the unions don’t want them. When Mr. Carey told the governor that he was more powerful and cameras are vital to protect the disabled, the governor said something to the effect of that depends upon the day. Leaders lead and leaders must do what is right no matter what. Leaders must be accountable for their actions and in-actions. Governor Cuomo’s actions and in-actions have allowed thousands of innocent children and women to be sexually assaulted and raped by pedophiles and sexual predators that he is internally protecting. Governor Cuomo must resign and be held accountable for what are likened to war crimes; the scope of these horrors is that bad. Governor Cuomo has been directing these sex crimes, many thousands of reported ones annually, to be reported internally to his abuse hotline instead of 911. In doing so Governor Cuomo has orchestrated one of the largest and scandalous sex cover-up schemes of all time.
No longer can 911 and local police be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual assaults and rapes, as well as obviously all other physical assault crimes, medical emergencies and deaths. Currently, Governor Cuomo ensures that most sex crimes against the disabled disappear, he is making sure that most are covered-up.
Please donate and support this vital Civil Rights Movement for the disabled and their families, but also for our country and the world, the maltreatment and unequal treatment of the disabled is also an international societal problem that must be addressed now. Always remember - People with disabilities are equal and just as valuable and precious as anyone else- period.
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers