With fears of falling victim to cybercrime and mass shootings topping the list of crime worries among Americans, according to the most recent Gallup polls, the personal-finance website WalletHub took an in-depth look at 2017's Safest Cities in America.
To determine where Americans can feel most protected against life’s hazards, including nonphysical forms of danger, WalletHub’s analysts compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 35 key metrics. The data set ranges from assaults per capita to unemployment rate to road quality.
Safest Cities in America
Least Safe Cities in America
Nashua, NH
Jackson, MS
South Burlington, VT
Baton Rouge, LA
Warwick, RI
Chattanooga, TN
Columbia, MD
Orlando, FL
Gilbert, AZ
Little Rock, AR
Fargo, ND
Detroit, MI
Lewiston, ME
Oklahoma City, OK
Plano, TX
San Bernardino, CA
Portland, ME
St. Louis, MO
Brownsville, TX
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Safest vs. Least Safe
To read the full report and your city’s rank, please visit:
Dr. James Hawley’s latest novel follows one man’s descent through Alzheimer’s disease
WHEATLAND, Wyo. – Author of several novels, Dr. James Hawley, is back to the literary scene with the release of “The Ghost of Crazy Horse” (published by Xlibris), the latest addition to the growing number of his written works. The book is about a man’s journey through Alzheimer’s disease. The story also explores the love of family and the love between a husband and wife. Hawley’s motivation to pen the book are his experiences in working with people with Alzheimer’s disease and his wife’s story about ghost light.
“The Ghost of Crazy Horse” is the story of the Wagner family who live on a small ranch north of Lusk, Wyoming, just south of the Black Hills. Waldo Wagner has a strong connection to the land and horses. The family enjoys sitting outside the home and watching faint lights that sometime show up in the trees on the north edge of the ranch. His father calls the lights the ghost, or spirit, of Crazy Horse. Waldo and his brother, Eric, work with horses, enjoy hunting, fishing and taking care of the land. Waldo meets his lovely wife, Aimee, in France while serving with the army. He brings his bride back to Wyoming, where he begins to fixate on the light - the spirit of Crazy Horse. His wife takes care of him as he descends at an increasing pace through the winding path of Alzheimer's disease.
Hawley invites readers to witness a poignant story about love and family. He also wishes to encourage families who are experiencing tough times due to Alzheimer’s disease to always believe that “love triumphs over disease.”
“The Ghost of Crazy Horse”
By Dr. James Hawley
Hardcover | 6x9 in | 172 pages | ISBN 9781543464436
Softcover | 6x9 in | 172 pages | ISBN 9781543464429
E-Book | 172 pages | ISBN 9781543464412
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Dr. James Hawley is an emergency room doctor in Wheatland. He has a ranch just east of Wheatland, where he and his wife, Koni, raise and train horses. They have dogs, cats and a goat.
Xlibris Publishing, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider created in 1997 by authors, for authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. For more information, visit xlibris.com or call 1-888-795-4274 to receive a free publishing guide. Follow us @XlibrisPub on Twitter for the latest news.
Marian Cebryk releases ‘Secrets—from—the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark Revealed’
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan – Marian Cebryk marks his publishing debut with the release of “Secrets—from—the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark Revealed” (published by Xlibris), a Christian book presenting the way to achieving an ageless body, a timeless mind and a perpetual soul, according to the Bible.
“We should understand creation not as a single event but rather a process – a process without end,” Cebryk emphasizes.
The two creations, specifically the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Flood, are recounted in the first book of Moses, Genesis. Cebryk states that “they hold the secret of an ageless body, a timeless mind, and a perpetual soul.”
When God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, he did not destroy the garden. God wanted man to grow and develop, to become the best he could. God supplied him with the tools to regain Eden, to regain spiritual nonmaterialism, and to gain perpetual life and soul.
Thus, God the creator secured the Garden of Eden for Adam and mankind. And generations of Adam and Eve are reveled for millenniums. They were followed by hundreds of millenniums of Noah’s generation.
After the Great Flood, Noah did not see the Garden of Eden. In his heart he knew he would have to create his garden and life anew. And so shall it be for a new generation of man on earth. And it would be available to all mankind wherever he should dwell on God’s garden on earth.
“We are the generation of Noah, as was the Garden of Eden. Now is God’s garden on earth. Make the Tree of Life the center of your life, and center everything round it. Partake and live of its fruit, and gain everlasting life,” Cebryk shares. “We invite you to join and discover the secrets to youth, longevity, health, wellness, freedom from illness, and to building an ageless body, a timeless mind, and a perpetual soul.”
Noah, the grandson of Methuselah, the man reported to have lived the longest at the age of 969 in the Hebrew Bible. Extra-biblical tradition maintains that he died on the 11th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 AM, 7 days before beginning of the Great Flood.
“Secrets—from—the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark Revealed”
By Marian Cebryk
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 62 pages | ISBN 9781543449761
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 62 pages | ISBN 9781543449778
E-Book | 62 pages | ISBN 9781543449785
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Marian Cebryk is 85 years old. “Secrets—from—the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark Revealed” is his first book release.
Xlibris Publishing, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider created in 1997 by authors, for authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. For more information, visit xlibris.com or call 1-888-795-4274 to receive a free publishing guide. Follow us @XlibrisPub on Twitter for the latest news.
For Immediate Release
December 4, 2017
Salt Lake City - FIRM: The Foundation for Integrated Resource Management is extremely appreciative of President Trump and his administration, for the work they have done in reviewing several National Monuments across the United States.
We’re proud of an administration that has continuously proven to us here in Utah that they value our voices more than those of special interest groups. With public lands comprising nearly 67% of our state, the impacts of these lands cannot be understated and impact Utahns in nearly every way imaginable, from Healthcare to Education.
More than anything, we appreciate an administration that is willing to listen to both sides of an argument and make rational decisions, based on the best interests of the citizens of Utah. We are so thankful for the time and energy the administration has spent conversing with FIRM on these very important issues.
In working with our local county commissioners, state officials and federal delegation, the administration has demonstrated their willingness to put words into action. We welcome President Trump and specifically want to thank Congressman Rob Bishop, Congressman Chris Stewart, Senator Orrin Hatch, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and the many other individuals that have helped make this possible.
Johnnie Miller (801) 718-7107
Stan Summers (435) 230-5648
Grayson Massey (435) 790-5107