Utah’s road safety efforts earn state international award
Lowering BAC level cited as contributing factor
SALT LAKE CITY — Today, Sutherland Institute applauds the Utah Department of Public Safety, the Utah Department of Transportation, the Legislature and the Governor’s office, as collective recipients of the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. This award acknowledges the state’s desire to make highway safety a priority with implementation of innovative infrastructure management tools and the enactment of a prudent .05 BAC impaired-driving policy.
Adrian Walsh, director of the awards scheme announced Utah would be honored for its “outstanding leadership in road safety by being the first U.S. state to pass lifesaving .05 BAC legislation and to develop and implement UPlan and usRAP.” The awards ceremony will be conducted in London on December 12, 2017.
“By establishing .05 BAC as the impaired-driving threshold, Utah joins 85% of the world already at or below this limit,” said Sutherland President Boyd Matheson. “In doing so, once again, we lead out in the U.S. – just as the state did a generation ago when Utah was the first to enact the .08 level that subsequently was adopted by all 50 states. Our team at Sutherland Institute congratulates the combined efforts of the Legislature, the Governor’s office and the many groups and concerned citizens who worked to make Utah’s roads safer.”
About infrastructure management tools UPlan and usRAP:
The UPlan system facilitates unprecedented “evidence-based” decision making, thereby equipping the Utah Department of Transportation to achieve its goals to reduce crashes, preserve transportation infrastructure, and optimize mobility.
The United States Road Assessment Program (usRAP) is an innovative and proactive tool for analyzing the safety of a roadway and generating data-driven solutions for correcting hazards.
“Utah is incredibly deserving of this prestigious award for taking a leadership role against drunk driving,” said Deborah Hersman, President and CEO of the National Safety Council. “As the first state in the U.S. to establish a legal limit of .05 BAC, Utah is leading the way to reducing traffic fatalities due to alcohol impairment and raising the bar for the rest of the states on this issue.”
About Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards:
Prince Michael of Kent, first cousin to Queen Elizabeth II, established the Road Safety Awards in 1987 in the UK. Now his awards recognize outstanding innovation and achievement in road safety worldwide. In the last several decades, His Royal Highness has visited award winners in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and America.
The state will be presented with its award by Prince Michael at a ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 12th in London. Rep. Norm Thurston will be in attendance to accept the award.
A History of North Ogden
The city of North Ogden, Utah, that we know today has seen many changes through the years. Although the majestic Ben Lomond Peak still towers over the city, homes continue to spread further into the foothills. The land that greeted early inhabitants was mostly sagebrush-covered desert, which was steadfastly transformed into rich farmlands and orchards. Today these farmlands and orchards are being developed into housing and commercial areas, creating a flourishing city. Approximately 20,000 citizens take pride in residing and raising their families in this community; among those are many descendants of early settlers. Humble homes, businesses, schools, landmarks, and people have been preserved in this album of photographs, along with more recent comparative images, bringing the past into the present.
Pub Date 12.4.17
HOLLY FULLER is a life-long resident of North Ogden, Utah, a small community nestled in the foothills of the majestic Ben Lomond Peak. Her love of local history led her to become involved with the North Ogden Historical Museum in 2005. As a member and vice president of the Board of Directors, Holly has worked with other members to establish a local history museum for North Ogden. North Ogden Through Time is a combination of photography and old images, two of her passions.