Public University: Whistling May Qualify as Sexual Harassment
DECEMBER 12, 2017
The sexual harassment scandals involving prominent Hollywood figures, media personalities and politicians has brought heightened awareness to the issue, but one public college appears to be taking things too far. At Tennessee State University in Nashville, “whistling in a suggestive manner” may qualify as sexual harassment and can get students expelled or employees fired. Those caught making “suggestive or insulting sounds” or making “suggestive or obscene gestures” also face similar consequences as well as students or staff who joke about sex on campus.
The rules are outlined in the university’s discrimination and harassment policy, which was obtained by a conservative journalism nonprofit dedicated to the principles of a free society. The group published an article on its website that reveals Tennessee State University has been blasted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for several policies that allow free speech to be punished as harassment. With an undergraduate enrollment of about 7,000, the school’s policy lists nearly two dozen “offenses” that can constitute sexual harassment among students and employees. Cases are determined individually and the “totality of the circumstances” will be considered before deciding if sexual harassment has been committed.
The attorney who serves as vice president of FIRE’s policy research points out in the article that Tennessee State University’s policy doesn’t pass legal muster because it’s too ambiguous. Her name is Samantha Harris and she has degrees from two Ivy League universities, Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. “Very broad categories of speech are banned as harassment, simply because someone might find them suggestively offensive and that’s something that courts have repeatedly held violates the first amendment,” Harris says in the story. Prohibitions on jokes and humor are dangerous because they could be abused to suppress unpopular speech involving political and social issues, Harris added. She also said that the school’s policy of banning any kind of demonstration during university events restricts students’ rights to protest and get their message across. Tennessee State also requires gatherings involving dissent to be registered with the vice president of student affairs to ensure the event is held at an acceptable time and appropriate site. That creates prior restraint on speech, according to FIRE’s legal expert.
Taxpayer-funded schools and colleges have taken an extreme leftist turn on several issues over the years and Judicial Watch has reported or taken legal action in several of the cases. This includes exposing a Mexican separatist school that pushes Marxism and Anti-Americanism in Los Angeles, pervasive corruption in Chicago public schools and an after school Satan club in Washington State that received speedy tax-exempt approval from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Judicial Watch is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the Berkeley Unified School District in California to obtain the records of a middle school teacher who is a national organizer for a radical leftist group. The teacher, Yvette Felarca, works at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School and is a prominent figure in By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), an organized militant group founded by the Marxist Revolutionary Workers League that uses raucous militant tactics to protest conservative speaking engagements. Over the summer Felarca was arrested and charged with several crimes, including felony assault, for inciting a riot in Sacramento. Judicial Watch wants records about the controversial teacher’s violent Antifa activism, which reportedly includes illegally recruiting students.
Judicial Watch has also sued to stop illegal immigrants from receiving taxpayer-funded discounted tuition at public universities and colleges and reported extensively on the issue. Last year Judicial Watch wrote about professors at a public university in south Florida that demanded the school protect illegal aliens by creating a “sanctuary campus.” The professors compared immigration enforcement to “fugitive slave laws.” At the time students at colleges around the nation requested their undocumented classmates be protected, but the Florida professors blazed the trail as the first faculty members of an American taxpayer-funded establishment to officially call for campus-wide sanctuary in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election.
New Year’s Worst Enemies
MILWAUKEE – It’s that time of year again. Gyms are packed, diet commercials dominate television, and people are fired up and ready to make a change. It’s no secret that New Year’s resolutions are often health-focused. Maybe 2018 is your year to lose weight, quit smoking, or be ready for that 5K race by spring.
You might start off with a bang in January and then a little “saboteur” comes knocking. According to TOPS Club, Inc.® (Take Off Pounds Sensibly®), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization, that saboteur is different for everyone, but often looks a lot like one of these:
The “I-don’t-have-time” saboteur. The combination of work, family, and social commitments makes this one of the most popular saboteurs. People are busy—period. But, ultimately, you make time for what you value most, and your health should be at the top of this list.
The “all-or-nothing” saboteur. Having an all-or-nothing mentality can actually do more harm than good. Don’t get down on yourself for skipping a workout or eating a brownie. Instead, look back at your choices and decide what you can do differently next time around. Perfection is not possible or necessary.
The “poor-pitiful-me” saboteur. Do you have a friend or spouse that can eat whatever he or she wants and not gain an ounce? Do you eat salmon and salads all week and still gain five pounds when you simply look at a piece of cheesecake? If you’ve ever had a thought like this, you may have listened to your inner “poor-pitiful-me” saboteur. A little self-pity from time to time is only human. However, frequent feelings of self-pity and resentment can and will sabotage even the best resolve. It’s time to move from thoughts of “missing out” to thoughts of freedom—freedom from the foods and behaviors that ultimately only make us unhappier in the end.
The “I’ll-do-it-tomorrow” saboteur. New Year’s resolutions and procrastination don’t mix. If something is truly important to you, why wouldn’t you want to get started right away? With New Year’s resolutions and life in general, slip-ups will happen and saboteurs may try to stand in the way of your goals. Remember, a saboteur can only derail your efforts permanently if you allow it.
TOPS Club Inc.® (Take Off Pounds SensiblySM) is the original weight-loss support and wellness education organization. Founded in 1948, TOPS is the only nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss organization of its kind. TOPS promotes successful weight management with a “Real People. Real Weight Loss.®” philosophy that combines support from others at weekly chapter meetings, healthy eating, regular exercise and wellness information. TOPS has more than 125,000 members – male and female, age seven and older – in thousands of chapters throughout the United States and Canada.
Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. Membership is affordable at just $32 per year in the U.S. and $48 per year in Canada, plus nominal chapter fees. To find a local chapter, view or call (800) 932-8677.
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