FBI appears to have investigated - and considered prosecuting - FOIA requesters
Source: MuckRock
"A new FOIA release shows the FBI Director’s Office responded to FOIA requests for known files on deceased FBI officials by presenting options that seemingly included a law enforcement investigation/proceeding against the requesters, with one email calling the requests 'SUSPICIOUS.' While the emails are heavily redacted to conceal the identities of the FBI officials involved in the discussions, the Bureau repeatedly left personal information of the different FOIA requesters unredacted."
Background Notes from Judicial Watch
JW Sues FBI for Documents on Late John Murtha’s “Abuse of Office for More than 25 Years”
Source: Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FBI for stonewalling the release of documents regarding the late Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha’s long history of allegedly corrupt behavior, including his connection to the ongoing FBI probe of a congressional earmarking scandal involving the now defunct PMA Group. Tom Fitton: “Leave it to the allegedly ‘transparent’ Obama administration to stonewall this basic open records request."
JW Sues Stonewalling FBI on Removal of FBI Agent Strzok from Mueller's Team
Source: Judicial Watch
Tom Fitton: “It is disturbing the FBI has stonewalled our request about the Mr. Strzok demotion for four months. One can only conclude the FBI and Justice Department (including Mr. Mueller’s operation) wanted to hide the truth about how Strzok’s and Page’s political biases and misconduct have compromised both the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations.”
FBI Belatedly Finds 30 Pages of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents – Wants Six Weeks to Turn Over
Source: Judicial Watch
Tom Fitton: "It is stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit. Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI’s document games in court. In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.”
Pope Francis must intervene on the international stage and move to ensure the protection of countless women and children with disabilities that are sexual assault and rape victims by protected and enabled sexual predators
Pedophile Catholic priests and anyone that rapes a child or a disabled person is a sexual predator and Church/government leaders protecting them must be removed
I would encourage everyone to pray for Pope Francis and the Catholic Church as a whole that great changes can come forth for the Church and Society.”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, December 20, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Breaking News: Catholic Church leaders in New York State are looking the other way as thousands of women and children with disabilities are being raped in institutions and group homes. Pope Francis, this is not ‘fake news’ or old news, this is current news, it is happening right now in New York State as your Church leaders look the other way.
Thousands of reported sexual assaults and rapes of vulnerable New Yorkers, many of whom are vulnerable Catholic’s, are covered-up by Governor Cuomo and his corrupt Justice Center. Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Edward Scharfenberger pictured above together with Governor Andrew Cuomo have known about the scope of these sexual assaults, rapes and cover-ups for an extended period of time and they have done nothing to stop these atrocities. Both Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan have been complicit and have remained silent.
In Albany New York, the Capital of New York State, which is well known for its corruption, Governor Cuomo set up his own internal reporting system to bypass 911 and local police so that most reported sexual assault and rape crimes committed against the disabled within his agencies would disappear. The same discriminatory practice and obstruction of justice is true regarding the bypassing of 911 emergency call centers and local police for thousands of physical assault crimes and hundreds of negligent deaths every year. What was just exposed in Australia is far worse in New York State, the rampant sexual assaults, rapes and cover-ups continue within thousands of State and private mental health facilities and group homes under Governor Cuomo’s authority.
True news - not 'fake news'
• Close to 8,000 calls are reported primarily by mandated reporters to Governor Cuomo’s abuse hotline for the disabled - every month. Almost all crimes are never reported to the police, never criminally investigated and never reported to County elected Prosecutors.
• 11-13 deaths of people with disabilities within mental health facilities and group homes are reported to the same angency operated by Governor Cuomo –every day. Literally, all but two, criminally negligent deaths have been covered-up.
• Governor Cuomo and top State officials are guarding, protecting and enabling sexual predators to continue to do what they do, which is to rape vulnerable women and children.
• The Bishop of the Catholic Church in Albany, Bishop Edward Scharfenberger, has known about these crimes for a few years and the personal face to face pleas for help for the disabled by leading disability rights advocate, Michael Carey, were ignored. Many emails and requests for additional meetings also were ignored, the end result of the Bishop’s in-actions- thousands of women and children continue to be sexually assaulted and raped by sexual predators protected by Governor Cuomo from prosecution.
• Cardinal Timothy Dolan has ignored numerous emails, over a dozen and many phone calls seeking emergency assistance for the disabled for over a couple years. Personal conversations and pleas for the Cardinals emergency help for the disabled with Joseph Zwilling, the Cardinal’s right hand man, were fruitless. Cardinal Dolan has refused to intervene and speak out against these atrocities. Cardinal Dolan has refused to do anything to ensure most sex crimes are prevented in these institutions and he has refused to help to ensure immediate 911 reporting of sex crimes and deaths. Cardinal Dolan has refused to address these criminal matters and egregious sins with Governor Cuomo who has professed to be a Catholic. Cardinal Dolan has chosen to protect the Governor and the countless sexual predators running wild, instead of the disabled.
Governor Cuomo Announces “Timothy Cardinal Dolan Week” in New York State
Cardinal to Head Governor’s Interfaith Advisory Council
Church leaders are supposed to stand up and speak up for righteousness, they are not to be silent and complicit, as the most vulnerable among us are being raped and severely damaged by very sick and sexually deviant individuals. Pope Francis must finally start to look at and address the real underlying and root problems why so many sexual predators remain in positions to harm our most vulnerable, which are the Church and governmental leaders involved in protecting these sexual predators and the wide-scale discrimination of the disabled.
Most sexual predators and sex crimes can be stopped very quickly if Church leaders and other governmental leaders stop trying to protect their institutions over the safety and lives of innocent and extremely vulnerable women and children. There must be zero tolerance and it must start at the very top – top leaders involved in protecting sexual predators and covering-up these horrific sex crimes cannot continue to escape justice. Bishops and Cardinals must be removed and prosecuted for their crimes.
Pope Francis, you have received a number of emails and you have seen the Jonathan Carey Foundation’s investigative work and the foundation’s series on Pope Francis News Today which is also attached below. The Jonathan Carey Foundation is bringing to light facts and real current new, not ‘fake news.’ Over the last few weeks, the case has been brought out publicly for everyone to see. The New York Times has just reported on the horrors and sexual atrocities in Australia facilities and institutions in which the Catholic Church was heavily involved, you must address this international crisis surrounding sexual predators preying on the disabled which is occurring in a far greater scope than the pedophile priest sex scandal. Pope Francis, it is critical that the Catholic Church makes major changes, and these changes must start with the removal of all the Bishops and Cardinals involved in guarding the sexual predators and the Catholic Church Institution, instead of the most vulnerable. This damning New York Times news is incredibly important and the quotes below are extremely powerful.
“Tens of thousands of children have been sexually abused in many Australian institutions,” said the report, which was particularly critical of Catholic organizations. “We will never know the true number. Whatever the number, it is a national tragedy, perpetrated over generations within many of our most trusted institutions.”
“It is not a case of a few rotten apples,” the report said. “Society’s major institutions have seriously failed. In many cases those failings have been exacerbated by a manifestly inadequate response to the abused person. The problems have been so widespread, and the nature of the abuse so heinous, that it is difficult to comprehend.”
It is important to repeat this quote again because of the significance of this statement;
“Society’s major institutions have seriously failed”
“This quote is true, it is a fact – the Catholic Church has failed in this area. New York State has failed in this area. Many people in top positions of authority in many different institutions have failed to protect our children and people with disabilities. We are at a defining moment in time to bring critical changes and to stop failing our children and the most vulnerable with disabilities. We must work together and do what is right and just and to start winning.” – Michael Carey
In this same New York Times piece, “The commission, the highest form of investigation in Australia, urged government action on its 189 recommendations…” but later to end the same paragraph this is quoted;
“It also urged Australia’s Roman Catholic leadership to press Rome to end mandatory celibacy for priests.”
As an advocate for vulnerable children that tremendously cares about the Catholic Church I would also like to address this matter as a lay minister and part time missionary. Most men do not have the grace or supernatural ability to refrain from sex, it is that simple. For an institution to say to a man, if you want to be a priest and serve God you have to remain single and not marry is wrong, this may be for only a select few. To basically force a man to make the choice and make a vow of celibacy or not become a priest is wrong and it is not scriptural. If priests were allowed to live a healthy lifestyle and still serve God and others there is a really good chance many of them would not be raping children. Let us all be real and transparent about this simple truth and the fact that numerous changes must occur within the Catholic Church.
Michael Carey is the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation which advocates for the safety, equal rights and lives of people with disabilities. Michael Carey is calling on Pope Francis to step up to the plate in a big way to begin to deal with the much bigger problems that have never been addressed. Top Church leaders and governmental leaders are involved in protecting and enabling sexual predators to continue to violate and destroy countless lives, Pope Francis must remove these individuals. Pope Francis must remove Bishop Scharfenberger and Cardinal Dolan from being able to continue to allow these sexual assaults, rapes, cover-ups - these atrocities to continue in New York State.
Pope Francis, you also have the responsibility to speak out against any governmental leader involved in such heinous sex cover-up crimes and you have an even greater responsibility if these leaders proclaim to be a Catholic. Governor Andrew Cuomo is a Catholic and you must demand that he immediately resigns for being involved for over a decade in covering-up sex crimes and protecting countless sexual predators. It is time that true spiritual leaders stand out in the light and take all of their responsibilities seriously, the sexual harassment, sexual abuse, cover-ups and people enabling sexual predators is on the international stage now.
For over ten years Attorney General Cuomo and then Governor Andrew Cuomo has protected countless sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists within State run and private mental health facilities and group homes from firing and prosecution. This timeline proves years of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s direct involvement.
Michael Carey’s hope and appeal to Pope Francs personally is for you to do what is right and just for the defenseless now and that you come along side to help champion the next greatest Civil Rights Movement to finally ensure the protection, safe care and services and equal rights for people with disabilities.
Wisdom from God’s written Word from Psalm 82 verses 2 & 3 says this;
“How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.”
“Pope Francis, I can speak this to you personally with full assurance, honor God and honor His Word and take decisive actions to rid vulnerable children and the disabled from their sexual predators and the Church leaders and government leaders that are protecting them and watch what God will do within His Church.” - Michael
Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s Silence for Years has Protected Cuomo & Countless Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Do Not Dispute Allegations of Protecting Sexual Predators & Pedophiles
Cuomo & Dolan Still Silent on Combined Sexual Predator Cover-up Scheme
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Ensure Protection of Sexual Predators in Sex Scandal
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Protect Sexual Predators & Pedophiles in Sex Cover-up Scandal
The Worst of the Worst are Leaders that Protect Sexual Predators, Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan protect sexual predators like powerful people protected Harvey Weinstein
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan are Protecting Sexual Predators and the Motive is Money
Gov. Cuomo & Cardinal Dolan Refuse to Protect Disabled Women & Children from Sexual Predators
Pope Chastises Media, yet Ignores Current Church Sex Scandal Sins
Pope Francis asked to Swiftly Intervene in Cuomo-Dolan Sex Cover-up Scandal
Pope Francis Must Demand Resignation of Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo
Pope Francis Must Call for Cardinal Dolan & Gov. Cuomo to Resign for Protecting Sexual Predators
I would encourage everyone to pray for Pope Francis and the Catholic Church as a whole. I would also encourage everyone to pray for Cardinal Dolan, Bishop Scharfenberger and Governor Cuomo, although they must be removed from authority, they like the Apostle Paul can have an encounter with Jesus, receive His mercy and forgiveness like anyone can and they can become some of the greatest witnesses for Christ the world has ever seen. Justice demands their resignations from their positions of power and authority though now.
Please donate and support this vital Civil Rights Movement. Thank you.
If you have any tips or knowledge of sexual assaults, rapes, deaths or cover-ups please call the Jonathan Carey Foundation sexual abuse & death tip hotline @ (518) 475-7500
Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here
The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers
What: Author book signing for 100 Things To Do In Salt Lake City Before You Die
When: Saturday, December 23 from 2-4 p.m.
Where: Barnes and Noble Sugarhouse, 1104 East 2100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Admission: Free and open to the public
Contact: 801-463-2610
ST. LOUIS,, MO—Local author Jeremy Pugh will be signing copies of his book, 100 Things to Do in Salt Lake City Before You Die, at Barnes and Noble Sugarhouse, 1104 East 2100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106, on Saturday, December 23 from 2-4 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.
Salt Lake City is a surprising city. Known traditionally as the world headquarters of the Church of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) the city contradicts its straight-laced reputation. A clean, walkable, bike-able city, with a progressive city government, it attracts talented and creative people from all over the world, who see Salt Lake City as a blank canvas. Art, music and creativity are flourishing at the base of a vast outdoor playground, where all—Mormons, gentiles, sinners and Saints—mingle and mix to make a truly unique place in the West and the world. There is so much to see and do in this four-season destination. Rich in frontier history and bordered by the stunning Wasatch Range, Salt Lake City is a destination for the curious and active traveler. Come see Historic Temple Square, ski, snowboard or hike and bike in our mountains. You can even SCUBA dive at 8,000-feet above sea level. Let this book be your guide to the best that Salt Lake and Utah has to offer.
Please contact Don Korte at dkorte@reedypress.com to arrange an interview or appearance for Jeremy.
About the Book
100 Things to Do in Salt Lake City Before You Die
Softcover 8.5 x 5.5
160 pages
About the Author
Jeremy Pugh is a writer living in Salt Lake City who, in one way or another, has been writing about culture, history and the outdoors in Salt Lake City for more than a decade. Formerly the editor of Salt Lake magazine, Pugh is a freelancer and consultant writing for SKI, Sunset, and Salt Lake magazines. A lifelong Utahn, Jeremy travels widely but always loves returning home to the mountains where he bikes, hikes, and skis as much as is humanly possible. He invites you to share your SLC experiences on Twitter at @100ThingsSLC.