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Perry City News: November and December 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009 - 5:00am
Jim Mackley

Councilman Todd A. Christensen was elected Mayor Pro-Tem in Mayor Nelson's absence on Nov.19.

During Public Comment, Jay Newman expressed concern with the company, Utopia stating: "Here we are as a city trying to do business with a company that we don't know anything about." Mr. Newman expressed a concern about taxes.

The ordinances used during 2009 were confirmed as modified.

No conflicts of interest were declared.

A change order regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant was presented. This was a request for an additional $6,000.00 for the roof. The City Council voted to approve the Change Order for 15% less than requested. Councilman Malan voted no because he --believes in keeping costs under control, and he didn't agree with the change order.

Perry City is seeking a new Police Chief. The decision was tabled until Mayor Nelson and Councilman Tom Peterson could comment.

Dec. 10, 2009. A decision was made to offer the Police Chief position to Mike Jones. At the date of this writing (Dec. 15), negotiations for a contract between Mr. Jones and Perry City are continuing.


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