Jan. 11, 2018
Good morning from Washington, where conservatives hope President Trump sees that earmarks don't help drain the swamp. Rachel del Guidice reports. They also want to make sure the president holds to promises to build a wall, Fred Lucas writes. What do black Americans have to celebrate this Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Don't miss Genevieve Wood's interview with an activist who knows. Plus: Tony Perkins on chilling threats against a public official, Dennis Prager on going back to the Bible, and Ed Feulner on why it's cold outside. It's Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
Al Gore said global warming would cause the north polar ice cap to be completely free of ice within five years. When did he say that? Nine years ago. News flash: The Arctic still has ice.
"I think it’s a very slippery slope to bring back something that has been abused by so many, so much of the time," says Rep. Mark Walker, chairman of the Republican Study Committee.
"President Obama['s policies] were more focused on handing out food stamps, and assistance, and government handouts, rather than … the most important civil rights of all, your right to be independent, your right to be self-sufficient," says Project 21's Horace Cooper.
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The Federal Communications Commission's Ajit Pai tells horrifying stories about his house being surrounded by protesters, some lurking under his windows with signs bearing his children's names.
Last fall, the Justice Department announced it was reversing DACA, under threat of a lawsuit from 10 state attorneys general, giving Congress a deadline of March for legislating a replacement.
What we have today is worse than ignorance of the Bible. It is contempt for it. Just about anyone who quotes the Bible is essentially regarded as a simpleton who is anti-science, anti-intellectual, and sexist.
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