SALT LAKE CITY - The Utah Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee is seeking public comment on Adam Mow who was appointed by Governor Herbert to fill a vacancy on the Third District Court.
Those who desire to comment should contact Jerry Howe at the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, Utah State Capitol Campus, House Building, Suite W210, PO Box 145210, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5210, by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30, 2018. All statements should include the respondent’s name, telephone number, and mailing address.
The Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee plans to hold a public hearing, then issue a recommendation to the full senate. If confirmed by the senate, Mr. Mow will fill a vacancy resulting from the confirmation of Judge Ryan Harris to the Utah Court of Appeals, July 26, 2017.
The 3rd Judicial District includes Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele counties.
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1. Members of the 2018 Judicial Confirmation Committee are Senator Todd Weiler (Chair), Senator Jim Dabakis, Senator Lyle Hillyard, Senator Don L. Ipson, Senator Peter Knudson, Senator Karen Mayne, and Senator Kevin Van Tassell.
2. Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee information is available on the committee page.
3. The governor's press release announcing Mow’s nomination is archived at
Governor appoints Adam Mow to the Third District Court
SALT LAKE CITY (Jan. 12, 2018) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert has appointed Adam Mow as a judge on the Third District Court.
“Adam Mow will bring a solid understanding of the law to the bench, ” Gov. Herbert said. “He is smart and dedicated. Most importantly, he has a strong commitment to the rule of law, which I trust him to faithfully uphold during his service.”
Adam Mow has been an attorney on the board of directors of Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough, P.C. and an attorney at Babcock, Scott & Babcock, P.C. He has also worked as an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association. He received a J.D. from the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah.
“I am grateful and deeply honored to be appointed by Gov. Herbert to serve the people of Utah and the Third District Court.” said Mow. “If confirmed by the Senate, I will be diligent and I will faithfully and fairly apply the law.”
Subject to confirmation by the Utah Senate, Mow will replace Judge Ryan Harris.
Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Selection for USDA’s Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations
(Washington, D.C., January 12, 2018) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today applauded President Donald J. Trump’s selection of Kenneth Barbic to be the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations. Following the announcement, Secretary Perdue issued this statement:
“I am very excited by the nomination of Ken Barbic to fill this key role. Ken will bring a wealth of knowledge, insight, and experience to USDA, and I am eager to get him on the job right away,” said Secretary Perdue. “Unfortunately, two other qualified nominees, Bill Northey and Stephen Vaden, are still awaiting Senate confirmation. I urge the Senate to take up all three nominations as quickly as possible.”
Sens. Paul, Wyden, Lee, and Leahy Urge Senators to Oppose House-Passed FISA Legislation with Bipartisan Letter
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) circulated a letter urging their fellow senators to oppose the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act, citing the legislation’s “serious problems” and calling it “a significant step backward” that “does nothing substantive to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of innocent Americans.”
“To be clear, FISA’s purpose is to collect foreign intelligence, but without additional meaningful constraints, Congress is allowing the government to use information collected without a warrant against Americans in domestic court proceedings. We have introduced two separate bills which preserve the government’s ability to pursue terrorists abroad and protect the country from foreign threats while also making the necessary reforms to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans here at home,” the senators write.
You can find the entire letter HERE or below:
Dear Colleague:
We want to draw your attention to serious problems with the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act, which the Senate will be debating next week. This legislation is a significant step backward and does nothing substantive to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of innocent Americans.
This bill allows an end-run on the Constitution by permitting information collected without a warrant to be used against Americans in domestic criminal investigations. It endorses the possibility that the government will resume “about” collections on Americans, a practice that the government was actually forced to abandon last year due to significant non-compliance with privacy protections ordered by the FISA Court. And it does nothing to protect innocent Americans from expanding warrantless surveillance.
To be clear, FISA’s purpose is to collect foreign intelligence, but without additional meaningful constraints, Congress is allowing the government to use information collected without a warrant against Americans in domestic court proceedings. We have introduced two separate bills which preserve the government’s ability to pursue terrorists abroad and protect the country from foreign threats while also making the necessary reforms to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans here at home.
The FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act, however, further expands the risks of unconstitutional spying on innocent Americans, and we encourage you to join us in opposition to this bill. We believe that a clean, short-term extension would be markedly preferable to this legislation. Section 702 was last extended for the length of the Continuing Resolution; if Leadership does not allow any amendments to the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act and it does not pass this coming week, then Section 702 authorities can be extended again on the next Continuing Resolution to allow the Senate to fully debate how to appropriately reform this powerful surveillance tool.