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The GOP's Coming Obamacare Capitulation

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 11:45am
The Daily Signal

Feb. 7, 2018

Good morning from Washington, where Republicans appear to have lost their nerve on repealing Obamacare. What's wrong with what they're doing now? Doug Badger, Marie Fishpaw, and Mike Needham break it down. Your electric bill may decrease thanks to tax reform, Rachel del Guidice reports. Canada's PM gets the needle for gender correctness, Kyle Perisic writes. Plus: Our "Right Side of History" podcast with Fred Lucas and Jarrett Stepman on old school fake news, and Katrina Trinko on how a hit TV show reflects "us."


The GOP's Coming Obamacare Capitulation


Since late last year, GOP leaders have planned to pump tens of billions of dollars' worth of new federal spending into the veins of insurance companies that are hemorrhaging red ink on the Obamacare exchanges.

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The Unique TV Family of 'This Is Us'


"This Is Us" is a rare TV show that looks at both life's ups and downs, its magic and its wounds, and lets its characters be both flawed and good.

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Right Side of History: The Founders Had an Answer to the 'Fake News' Problem


Jarrett Stepman and Fred Lucas discuss the fake news phenomenon, the history of media in America, and current threats to free speech rights.

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8 Examples of Lower Power Bills Because of Tax Cuts


The Republican tax law reduced the federal corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. Utility companies say they want their savings to benefit consumers.

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Heritage Foundation's New No. 2 Is Longtime Policy Expert Kim Holmes


The No. 2 job at Heritage functions as the organization's chief operating officer. Holmes brings to the position 30 years of service at Heritage, including two decades as vice president of defense and foreign policy studies.

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The Only Misleading Claim About Voter Fraud: 'It Doesn't Exist'


When it comes to election fraud, the question is not "if," but "how much?"

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Watch Jordan Peterson React to Justin Trudeau's Telling a Woman to Say 'Personkind'


"We like to say 'peoplekind,' not necessarily 'mankind,' because it's more inclusive," Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a town hall meeting.

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