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Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 11:30am

Eric Holder predicts Robert Mueller charges Trump with obstruction of justice

Source: Washington Examiner


President Trump will face an obstruction of justice charge from special counsel Robert Mueller, former Attorney General Eric Holder predicted. "I've known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he's just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can. So, I think that we have to be patient in that regard.”


U.S. consumers racked up $92.2 billion in credit card debt during 2017, pushing outstanding balances past $1 trillion for the first time ever, according to WalletHub’s latest Credit Card Debt Study, based on Federal Reserve data released yesterday afternoon.

Given this ominous data, WalletHub also released the results of its 2018 Credit Card Debt Survey, which provides a nationally representative look at consumer sentiment. You can find highlights from both reports below.

  • The average household owes a record $8,600 – $138 more than at the height of the Great Recession.
  • The $67.6 billion in credit card debt that we added in Q4 2017 is the highest quarterly accumulation in 30 years – 68% higher than the post-Great Recession average.
  • Despite Federal Reserve data painting a dark picture, consumers are optimistic about their credit card debt, with 92% thinking they’ll have less debt at the end of the year.
  • 35% of people think travel is worth getting into debt for, and more than 1 in 10 people with credit card debt don’t remember why they got into it.
  • 7 in 10 people think we’re 2+ years from another recession.
  • 88% of Americans say their personal finances are run better than the federal government.
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    Lifetime of service


    The Utah Legislature honored the life and longtime service of director of State Parks and Recreation, Fred Hayes, with a House Resolution (HCR21) that commended him for his thirty-five-year career in State Parks and calls for the renaming of Starvation State Park to the Fred Hayes State Park.


    Fred Hayes first started his career in 1982 as a Ranger Aide at the Starvation State Park. Under his leadership as director, the State Parks have seen a tremendous increase in visitors and numerous improvements in Park management. 


    Senator Ipson remarked, “It was always a pleasure to work with Fred. He was always upbeat and positive. We worked together to make some of our state parks more accessible and more user friendly, and that was always a top priority to him.  He helped to make some dramatic capital improvements to our parks as well.  He’ll be dearly missed.” 


    "When I first started to serve in the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee eight years ago, the state allocated $12 to $16 million to fund state parks, said Rep. Lee Perry. “Today, it's less than $4 million that is due to the leadership of Fred Hayes. HCR 21 recognizes his dedication and service to Utah.”


    Fred Hayes passed away last week at the age of 58.  Fred is survived by his wife Serena and their five children.  He will be remembered fondly for his energetic, friendly style of leadership. 


    The resolution sponsored by Representative Perry and Senator Don Ipson. HCR21 was heard on March 7, 2018, on the floor of the House and Senate.  The Resolution passed unanimously in both Houses. 


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     Jeff Hastings

    Legislative Assistant

    Utah Senate
