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If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Friday, March 9, 2018 - 10:45am
The Daily Signal

March 9, 2018

Happy Friday from Washington, where President Trump defies conservatives' pleas in announcing tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. The move is bad for the economy, Tori Whiting writes. Trump also meets with video game executives and ponders raising the legal age to buy rifles as he contemplates post-Parkland policy, Fred Lucas reports. Plus: David Harsanyi on ignorance about guns, Bob Moffit on facing the facts about Obamacare, Jonathan Butcher on school choice for military families, and Ginny Montalbano and Bre Payton on the week's most problematic women. Enjoy the weekend.


If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics


When CNN featured an alleged gun expert explaining that the AR-15 he was about to fire was "full semi-automatic," he was making the functionality of the firearm sound scarier to those who are ignorant about guns.

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Trump's Tariffs Will Hurt the Economy. Congress Should Reassert Its Constitutional Authority on Trade.


The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate commerce, but significant pieces of that power have been outsourced to the executive branch over the past four decades.

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More Taxpayer Bailouts Will Only Paper Over Obamacare's Many Failures


Congress, backed by powerful special interests in the health care industry, looks likely to bail out, once again, Obamacare's failing health insurance program.

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Why Congress Should Modernize Impact Aid for Children of Military Families


Congress is considering a proposal to allow children of active-duty military families across the country the option to use education savings accounts.

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Industry Leaders Defend Violent Video Games in Meeting With Trump


Classmates said the Parkland shooter would play video games for 12 or 15 hours a day.

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Problematic Women: Owning a Gun and Motherhood Are Not Mutually Exclusive


Plus: Bumble, the popular dating app, is encouraging its users to report anyone with a gun in their photos.

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As Florida Moves to Raise Age for Buying Rifles, Legal Hurdles Remain


The Florida Legislature, responding to the Feb. 14 school shooting, passes a bill to increase the legal age to buy a rifle from 18 to 21.

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When Did Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Know the Truth About His Cowardly Deputy?


Sheriff Israel has finally admitted that his deputy remained outside for upward of four of the six minutes that the gunman used to roam the halls of the freshman building, hunting and heartlessly slaughtering defenseless children.

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