March 27, 2018
Good morning from Washington, where President Trump’s expulsion of 60 Russians appears to reflect the muscular strategy that characterizes his new national security adviser. Fred Lucas reports. Russia’s military moves in Eastern Europe may surprise the U.S. and NATO, Nolan Peterson writes from Kyiv. Advocates of campus free speech have an ally in the Trump administration, Kelsey Harkness and Bre Payton find. Plus: Adam Michel on the consequences of the massive spending deal, John Malcolm and Amy Swearer on what school shooters have in common, and Star Parker on consequences for conservatives of that special election in Pennsylvania.
“He is there for a faster decision-making style, to run on Trump time, and to be more innovative in tactics,” The Heritage Foundation’s James Jay Carafano says.
“What’s the point of college if you can’t explore new ideas and challenge your viewpoint that you came to college with?” top Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Flores asks in an interview with The Daily SIgnal.
“U.S. leaders and their European allies are unprepared for the ways in which Putin is poised to wage war in Ukraine and the Baltics,” two researchers write.
The return of trillion-dollar deficits threatens to undermine Republicans’ most significant legislative accomplishment: tax reform.
Even when serious mental illness isn’t present, school attackers almost always exhibit common traits of extreme resentfulness, anger, and a desire for revenge because of perceived social alienation.
“Don’t let anyone silence you and don’t give in to the criticism,” the 16-year-old high school student advises conservative allies.
“Ben has spoken out time and time again about his belief that racism is an inherent evil, and it should be fought at every turn,” a student leader says. “Any true conservative agrees with that.”
Everyone should understand the moral and fiscal bankruptcy to which the liberal secular state is taking us and how God-given truths and freedom made American great and are vital for keeping it great.
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