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9-1-2019 Tim O’Brien, 412.854.8845 About INFORMS and Marketing Science Marketing Science is a premier peer-reviewed scholarly marketing journal focused on research using quantitative approaches to study all aspects of the

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 - 11:45am
Tim O’Brien, 412.854.8845

Do those Retail Apps Increase Customer Engagement and Sales?

New Research Says ‘Yes’ on Both Sales and Returns


Key Takeaways:


  • Mobile apps increase sales, purchase frequency and the range of items sold not only on a retailer’s website but also in its stores.
  • App users exhibit greater product returns.
  • Retail mobile app users are likely to buy a more diverse range of products.
  • Shoppers buy more when they access mobile apps for loyalty rewards programs, product information, and notifications, particularly when they are physically close to a retail store.

CATONSVILLE, MD, September 3, 2019 – Researchers from Texas A&M University published new research in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science (Editor’s note: The source of this research is INFORMS), which shows that retailers’ branded mobile apps are very effective in increasing customer engagement, increasing sales on multiple levels, not just on the retailer‘s website, but also in its stores. At the same time, apps increase the rate of returns, although the increase in sales outweighs the return rates.


The study to be published in the September edition of the INFORMS journal Marketing Science is titled “Mobile App Introduction and Online and Offline Purchases and Product Returns.”


The study authors found that retail app users buy 33 percent more frequently, they buy 34 percent more items, and they spend 37 percent more than non-app user customers over 18 months after app launch.


At the same time, app users return products 35 percent more frequently, and they return 35 percent more items at a 41 percent increase in dollar value.


All factors considered, the researchers found that app users spend 36 percent more net of returns.


“Overall, we found that retail app users are significantly more engaged at every level of the retail experience, from making purchases to returning items,” said the authors. “Interestingly, we also found that app users tend to purchase a more diverse set of items, including less popular products, than non-app users. This is particular helpful for long-tail products, such as video games and music.”


“For the retailer, the lesson is that having a retail app will likely increase customer engagement and expand the range of products being sold online and in store,” they added. “We also found that some app users who make a purchase within 48 hours of actually using an app, tend to use it when they are physically close to the store of purchase. They are most likely to access the app for loyalty rewards, product details and notifications.”

 Tim O’Brien, 412.854.8845



About INFORMS and Marketing Science 


Marketing Science is a premier peer-reviewed scholarly marketing journal focused on research using quantitative approaches to study all aspects of the interface between consumers and firms. It is published by INFORMS, the leading international association for operations research and analytics professionals. More information is available at or @informs.