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Obamacare Supporters, Critics Clash at Supreme Court Over Law's Subsidies

Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 8:30am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Obamacare Supporters, Critics Clash at Supreme Court Over Law's Subsidies

News: The Daily Signal reports from the steps of court on a case that will decide whether the federal government can grant subsidies to states selling insurance through the federal exchange,

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The Supreme Court Heard King v. Burwell. Here's What the Justices Asked About and Commented On.

Daily Policy Focus: The justices were so intrigued by the case that Chief Justice John Roberts extended the time for both sides to make their presentations as the case was being argued.

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The Loophole That Could Liberate Maryland From Common Core Testing

News: As millions of students across the nation begin taking Common Core-aligned standardized tests for the first time, Maryland finds itself in a unique position to opt out.

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