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How a Swedish Sniper Found Redemption in the Ukraine War

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 8:00am


Aug. 11, 2015


How a Swedish Sniper Found Redemption in the Ukraine War


This former neo-Nazi spokesman has changed his views—and now fights for freedom in Ukraine.

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Case About Headstones Could Send Economic Liberty Before the Supreme Court

The New Jersey legislature—influenced by the powerful industry group Monument Builders Association of New Jersey—passed a law prohibiting religious institutions from selling headstones.

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Former Broadcaster Sues Fox Sports for Firing Him Over Marriage Views

Craig James, a former professional football player and respected sportscaster, is suing Fox Sports Southwest, alleging that the broadcast network fired him because of his religious beliefs on homosexuality and marriage.

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Why Carly Fiorina Has Yet to Tackle Entitlement Reform

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina told The Daily Signal's David Brody that she won’t tackle entitlement reform until the federal government can get its act together.

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Repeated International Violations Prove Iran Cannot Be Trusted in Deal

Under the terms of the recently finalized nuclear deal, Iran will now have less oversight and fewer restrictions on its nuclear program than the White House will admit.

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Chris Christie: Export-Import Bank Is Corporate Welfare 'We Can't Afford'

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told The Daily Signal's David Brody that the Export-Import Bank should be finally laid to rest.

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