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Hatch Reacts to President’s Decision to Veto Crucial Resources for Our Armed Services

Friday, October 23, 2015 - 8:30am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Reacts to President’s Decision to Veto Crucial Resources for Our Armed Services


Washington, D.C.--Senator Orrin Hatch, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement after the President vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act:


“President Obama's veto of the NDAA—bipartisan legislation to ensure our troops have necessary resources to keep our country safe—is a gross abdication of his constitutional responsibility to defend America. With this irresponsible action, the President has put petty partisanship above the urgent needs of our men and women in uniform. Pay and support for our troops and their families should not be held hostage to the President’s political posturing. Congress should override this veto. Our troops and the future of our national security depend on it."


Senator Hatch spoke out earlier this year about the importance of passing the NDAA. You can find video of his remarks here.