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Only 17% of Utahs want Obama to Designate Bears Ears as a National Monument

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 10:30am

Poll: Only 17% of Utahns Want Obama to Designate Bears Ears as a National Monument

Written by Bryan Schott on

18 May 2016
. Posted in Today At Utah Policy

Only 17% of Utahns want President Barack Obama to declare the Bears Ears area in Southeastern Utah as a national monument. That's according to a new poll conducted by Dan Jones and Associates.


The survey found a plurality of Utah voters (36%) want Bears Ears left as-is, while 31% favor Rep. Rob Bishop's Public Lands Initiative, which proposes to make Bears Ears a national conservation area.


The survey from Dan Jones, Utah's premier public opinion pollster, stands in stark contrast to a poll from an activist group that showed an overwhelming number of Utahns want to see Bears Ears protected as a national monument.  That survey has been described by critics as a "push poll," which is designed to elicit a predetermined outcome. The group's stated mission is to protect what they describe as "spiritually significant" areas. 


The survey gave respondents three possible options for the future of the Bears Ears area:


  • President Barack Obama should designate roughly 1 million acres in the Bears Ears as a national monument.
  • Congress should pass, and Obama should sign, a bill by Representative Rob Bishop that would make Bears Ears a national conservation area, with some protections and local land control.
  • Nothing should be done; Bears Ears is fine as it is

The Bears Ears area in Southeastern Utah has been the subject of discussion lately. Which of the following proposals do you favor:

Survey by Dan Jones & Associates, May 2-10, 2016. 588 registered voters. Margin of error +/-4.04%


President Barack Obama should designate roughly 1 million acres in the Bears Ears as a national monument


Congress should pass, and Obama should sign, a bill by Representative Rob Bishop that would make Bears Ears a national conservation area, with some protections and local land control


Nothing should be done, Bears Ears is fine as it is


Don't know
