Healthcare expert, author, speaker Dr. Josh Luke reveals forces shifting lives, spurs leaders to tackle change
YORBA LINDA, Calif. – Author and speaker Dr. Josh Luke, a USC professor who became a hospital CEO at age 32, energizes audiences to tackle changes of all kinds by keeping an eye on the future. As author of the new book “Ex-Acute: A Former Hospital CEO tells all on What’s Wrong with American Healthcare” (published by Xlibris), Luke helps readers navigate the new landscape of value-based care.
Luke has made a name as a national thought leader, futurist and electrifying speaker inspiring audience to succeed through all kinds of change. He does it through personal storytelling on topics such as caring for aging parents and young children, facing the Alzheimer’s epidemic and revealing how capitalism drives healthcare for consumers.
When the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, was enacted, Luke began alerting healthcare administrators that it would completely transform how they do business. Few listened – at first. Now, hospitals find themselves being paid not based on the number of patients in beds or procedures performed, but instead on the value of the care they provide. The law has forced hospitals and medical providers to assume more risk and basically act as insurers. Luke can explain why this will continue to be the case no matter who wins the 2016 election.
Luke worked 15 years in healthcare administration, including a decade as a hospital CEO and as an administrator in skilled nursing, acute care, home healthcare and hospice care. Through his insider’s knowledge, he guides consumers – from parents of young children to adult children of aging parents – how to best navigate the system.
By Josh Luke
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 160 pages | ISBN 9781514470039
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 160 pages | ISBN 9781514470046
E-Book | 160 pages | ISBN 9781514470053
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Author, speaker, futurist and healthcare expert Dr. Josh Luke is a USC professor who became a hospital CEO at age 32, and author of the new book “Ex-Acute: A Former Hospital CEO tells all on What’s Wrong with American Healthcare.”
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