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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

If a nest has eggs or baby birds, leave it alone or face a citation


If a nest has eggs or baby birds, leave it alone or face a citation 


SALT LAKE CITY — While bird species that nest in the eaves of buildings may seem like a nuisance, it’s unlawful to disturb nests that have eggs or baby birds, and you can be cited for doing so.


U.S. Dependence on China for Medicine a Major Problem

As tensions between the U.S. and China escalate, Washington is waking up to the threat posed by Beijing’s longstanding espionage and cyber hacking. But there’s another looming problem—and one that’s been overlooked for too long: America’s growing dependence on China for prescription drugs.


7-10-2019 - Our Free Speech Crisis

  The First Amendment to our Constitution was proposed by the 1788 Virginia ratification convention during its narrow 89 to 79 vote to ratify the Constitution. Virginia's resolution held that the free exercise of religion, right to assembly and free speech could not be canceled, abridged or restrained. These Madisonian principles were eventually ratified by the states on March 1, 1792.

7-9-2019 Democrats Arbitration Proposal Binds Patients Badly

Since the Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives, they haven't accomplished much, aside from talking. Some of what they have to say is just partisan politics.

There are other things they are talking about doing of which we should be wary. One is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plan to reduce prescription drug prices by promoting binding arbitration.

Quotes & sayings

Quotes & sayings

7-8-2019 How to end healthcare's unwelcome surprises

Imagine waking to sharp pain in your abdomen. You rush to the hospital. The doctor diagnoses you with appendicitis, wheels you into surgery, and ultimately saves your life.

Days later, you get a bill -- for $5,000. Turns out the hospital, ER doctor, and surgeon were all in your health plan's network -- but not the anesthesiologist. So he bills you directly.

157 boats found with quagga mussels, 17 people cited after holiday weekend at Lake Powell

SALT LAKE CITY — Law enforcement officers and technicians for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources had a busy Fourth of July weekend working to prevent invasive quagga mussels from spreading.


Quotes & sayings

7-7-2019 - GoFundMe: Teacher Raise Funds to Ensure Students Graduate

Hi there-


I wanted to make sure you had seen the GoFundMe campaign for Roots Carter High School. A teacher, Kallie, has created this campaign to fund the development of a program which would support students that are credit deficient and help them graduate on time.


Funds raised will go towards school supplies, tissues, hand sanitizer, and calculators.



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