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North Ogden

North Ogden Municipal Election the following individuals have filed to run for city office.

North Ogden Municipal Election the following individuals have filed to run for city office.

Mayor Candidates - 4 year term
Wade C. Bigler
Brent R. Taylor

City Council Candidates: – 4 year term – 2 seats open
David L. Gordon
Steven D. Huntsman
Brian G. Russell
Scott C. Russell
Lynn Satterthwaite
Phillip Swanson
James D. Urry


Patriot George Cavanaugh Remembered

George Cavanaugh picture

George Leslie Cavanaugh, a patriot described by his family and friends as a noble man without guile, passed away on the 12th of May, 2013.  George was known in the community as the co-owner (with his wife, Marie), of Mrs.

Police Chief Polo Afuvai Retires & New Chief Kevin Warren Hired

Police Chief Polo Afuvai Retires
 New Chief Kevin Warren Hired

It was 31 years ago, June 1, 1982, when the then North Ogden City (NOC) Mayor Don Colvin hired Polo Afuvai to be Chief of Police.   Newly retired, Chief Afuvai addressed the Council and said “I guess this is it – out with the old and in with the new and young.”  On behalf of himself, his wife Barbara, and his family, he thanked all in attendance “for the wonderful journey they have taken together.”  In a glowing tribute to the Chief, Don said of yesteryear that “four of them conducted lengthy interviews and came to a unanimous decision that Polo… would bring dignity and profe

N. Ogden Council says No to Public Hearing

N. Ogden Council says No to Public Hearing

After nearly two hours of public testimony the North Ogden City Council voted against holding a public hearing concerning the conditional use permit granted to Tom’s Auto Repair during their regularly scheduled meeting on May 28.

Sterling Scholars Weber High School:

Jacob Gossner, Music;

Elias Johnson, Science.

Jeremy Porter, Skilled & Technical Sciences Education;

London Musgrave, Visual Arts;

Mariesa Miller, Dance;

Hanna Buswell, Business & Marketing Education;

Nicholas Bell, Computer Technology.

Justin Christensen, Mathematics;

Cecilia Ewing, English;

Karyssa Wolsey, Family & Consumer Sciences;

Rachel Martin, Foreign Language;

Jacob Cevering, Speech/Drama.

John Daines, Social Science.


Update on Employee Compensation & Public Works Facility


Ogden Educator Awarded National Grant


Ogden Educator Awarded National Grant

Alexandria, VA – Ms. Stephanie Mathers, a teacher at Middle Ogden Preparatory Academy, in Ogden, Utah, has been awarded a national grant by the Association of American Educators Foundation to purchase a variety of popularly demanded personal reading books for her Title 1 School.

Maria Montessori To Open A Junior High

Maria Montessori Academy is planning to offer K through 9 eduction by 2015


Masters in Training

Bradley Giatras stands next to the 3rd grade masterpiece,”Cherry Blossoms”  which he helped paint.
Braden Radle stands next to the 6th grade masterpiece depicting Max and Marianne Barker’s barn, which he helped paint.


Bates Elementary in North Ogden held a fabulous art show February 8th to show off the results from their “Artist in Residence” program this year.  Students met with local artist Stacy Harris for a master’s class prior to working on large paintings so they could learn about well-known artists and work with paint that they would be using.   Sixth Grader Braden Radle said his favorite part was, “learning how to mix colors.”


No. Ogden City News: "A Shape" Finances and $2M for Right of Way



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